Paid Off (Fabian Shelton)

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It didn't take me long to get out of the airport even with security notifying homeland security. Everybody had a price, even federal homeland security agents only made about one hundered and fifty thousand dollars a year, that being on the generous end. The amount of money I used to pay them off didn't even remotely phase me. Yes everyone could be bought. There were many people over the years who had challenged me on this notion, claiming that they weren't for sale and never would be. All acting like having some form of priceless morality made them a superior human being . I found them all of them to be full of shit when presented with a briefcase full of cold hard tax free cash. Getting away with executing the two men that had lost Judith and gotten us detained at the airport was easy too. Cops in Vegas only made about Sixty thousand dollars a year; again on the high end. They even did the work of covering up the crime while I made sure that they knew that I had evidence of their corruption. Every now and then someone would get too big for their britches. Putting them back in their place quickly and ruthlessly was a specialty of mine.

We had come to the hotel that the last signal from Judith's cell phone had been traced to and there was absolutely no sign of the redhead. I immediatly came to the conclusion that she had discarded the cell phone and began to entertian the possibility that she might had gotten her memory back. If she did, this would be way more challenging, still I knew I was close. I felt she was connected to something or someone here and I was pretty confident that she was still in Vegas. Two days had gone by since she had gotten away and the only lead I had was that she had been sighted at this hotel, then abruptly left. Someone with money was helping her because her exit had been made in a dark tinted limo. While there were many millionaires who stayed in this particular hotel and lived in Vegas in general. I had a feeling that it was someone from out of town considering that she had been marked by a man prior to us ever even coming here. We were tracking each individual famous guest from the hotel throughout Vegas and while I was sure that this would eventually pan out to get me the information I was looking for. The process was painfully slow. Even with having ten men on this job I knew it would take weeks to track each millionaire to see if they were indeed harboring Judith. The time for this game was done. When I found her it wouldn't matter if she remembered me or not. I was going to bring her to her knees and make sure she never ever smiled again.

I sat drinking a glass of scotch as I field stripped and cleaned my favorite gun. The dessert eagle glinted back at me as I ran a polish cloth over its exterior when I heard a knock at my hotel room door. Having sent out all of my security to locate Judith I stood to answer the door myself. Liam stood there with a hopeful smile.

"Hello boss."

"Liam." I nodded curtly letting him inside.

He entered and gave the room a once over. "I got here as soon as I could. Any leads on her yet?"

I gestured for him to sit as I took my own seat and continued cleaning my gun. He sat down slowly eyeing the disassembled gun pieces laying on the table.

"That much of a pain in the ass huh?"

Liam knew me long enough to know that my patience was miniscule to nonexistent and that I did detailed tasks like this when I became frustrated. "She's still in Vegas I just know it. There is a reason she originally wanted to stay here for another week."

He nodded while he watched me slowly begin to reassemble the gun. "I met Chris Lee at the airport."

Liam leaned back folding his arms and raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"I think you may be on to something. It was just too much of a coincidence that he happened to show up just around the time of her escape. You and I both know that I don't believe in coincidences. I feel he may have been a decoy."

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