New Game (Fabian Shelton/ Solace Saint )

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Fabian Shelton POV

Judith sat limp acrossed from me, the seat belt and strap on the airplane seat holding her body in place. Blood had dried at her temple; she had hit her head on a rock when she fell from the blow she provoked. Ever since that moment in the field she had been unconscious and I had absolutely no intention of getting her medical treatment. As long as pulse still rushed through her vains at a normal pace, I figured eventually she would wake up. Then the fun could really begin. Watching her I smirked as looked forward to the moment she would open those green eyes. As I continued to look her over I felt a fresh rush of irratation; her once long beautiful red hair was cut much shorter and hated that. The fact that she was still more beautiful then my memory had been capable of recalling made me even angrier. Her flawless pale skin was lightly freckled and her peaked pink lips full. Cheekbones rose high on her face and her copper eyebrows fell over her eyes like a birds wings in flight. Her body was hidden under those baggy clothes but I could tell she still possessed all those hour glass curves that turned me on. It was finally time to go to the house in California that I had quietly and secretly bought a few years ago just for this purpose. To isolate, imprison and make her pay in every way I could imagine for as long as she was alive. I always knew that she couldn't run forever and that this day would come, therefore had prepared accordingly. I had won our little game and now I would thoroughly enjoy my prize.
This was going to be so much fun! I felt like a kid on Christmas day she was once again my property.

Solace Saint

An intense persistant pain thundered through my skull at an aggravating rythem. My mouth and throat were so dry I could barely swallow and I longed for tall glass of cold water. Darkness was all I could see as I slowly opened my eyes. Feeling around my body there were soft satin sheets and pillows in a huge empty bed that I alone laid in. Where the hell was I? As I sat up I immediately regretted my action as my head hurt so much worse that a slight nausea accompanied it. Placing my palm to my head I felt dried scabs at my right temple and a knot on the left side of my head. My hands moved to my body trying to make sure the rest of me wasn't damaged. I was dressed in jeans, a tanktop, and socks but discovered that the remainder of me was injury free. Pulling my legs acrossed the bed I turned my body until I found the edge dangling them over the side. The bed was way to tall for my feet to reach the floor and I slid from the mattress until my feet found a soft plush carpet. The room however was still pitch black and silent so I felt my way down the bed to see if there was a night stand hopefully with a bedside lamp. Reaching the head of the bed my feet gently came into contact with what had to be an object that felt like a nightstand. Slowly I felt around in the air above it. There was indeed a small lamp. I ran my hands over it trying to find a switch to turn it on and then down the cord when that proved unsuccessful. I sighed frustration as I felt and heard the lamp knock over from my clumsy attempts. Hopefully I didn't break it. Renewing my attempts I found the lamp on the floor and picked it up setting it back on the nightstand when I heard a lock turn and a door open from my right. Very dim light slowly crept in and the brightness suddenly shot through the whole room as someone turned on the overhead light. There was terrible pain as the light entered my eyes and I screwed them shut as my hand rushed to my aching forehead. I felt dizzy as I tried to steady myself against the bed.

"Please, the light, too bright it hurts." I croaked out my voice raspy to whoever was at the door. A body moved next to me and switched on the bedside lamp then back to the wall turning off the overhead light. I sat on the bed letting my eyes adjust, but everything around me seemed a bit foggy almost surreal. The room was huge beautiful and elegantly furnished in polished mahogany wood. Everything that caught my eye from the black satin sheets to the opulent matching curtians looked to be of rich high quality. My attention finally fell on the maid at the door.

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