Waking Nightmare(Kwon Jiyong)

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"Good morning." She gave me an eye smile her hair spread out in flamming chaos over the crisp white pillow. "What did you dream about?" Her emerald eyes sparkled with warm interest.

"You." I immediately reached out to feel her. My arms tucked her warm body against mine as I began to lay soft kisses all over the tattooed filagree that swirled over her pale shoulders. My lips moved on to her neck letting me encounter her familar lavender vanilla scent. My heart danced happily and I breathed in deeply with abandon. Cute giggles escaped her plush lips as she squirmed slightly my nose tickling the sensitive area behind her ear.

"Jiyong what's gotten into you?"

"You're here." A flood of emotions overcame me as my eyes roamed over her face then over her entire body. "You're here." My fingers began to glide over her curves feeling her soft skin as I moved in to kiss her jawline.

"Of course I'm here. Where else would I be silly?" Her face inched closer to mine and she gave a smile that was so radiantly sweet, my heart ached. She kissed my lips softly like a gentle summer breeze. Overcome with emotions my lips joined hers moving in a sensual rythem as I slid my tongue between her lips to taste her. Her leg came over mine and began to slide up my body as my fingers caressed over her hip. Stopping the kiss the catch my breath and calm my racing heart I tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I should get up shower, make us breakfast." She began to sit up and I grabbed her wrist.

"No! Don't go!" I felt adrenaline rush through my body making me tremble slightly.

Solace stopped moving, propped on her hand giving me a concerned look. "What's wrong?" Gently her other hand came to my cheek caressing me softly. My eyes shut at the sensation and I let out a slow unsteady breath still unable to let go of her wrist.

"I don't need breakfast. I will clear my whole schedule. Let's just stay in bed, all day. I want you near me touching me."

She laid back down beside me with a mischievous grin. "Didn't we just make love five times last night? Your libido knows no bounds Kwon Jiyong."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "If my memory serves me correctly you initiated the last two times." My eyes got lost in her beauty as she giggled.

"What can I say? You have the sexy gaze down to a science. It's that special power you have where you just look deeply into a girls eyes and suddenly they just can't say no to you. Do they teach that at YG?"

"Teach what?" I asked amused.

"You know, the smoldering I wanna do you and you know you can't resist me gaze. You do it in almost all of your videos. I've seen other idols do it in their videos too."

My eyes squinted in mock suspicion. "Oh, and what other male idols have you been watching?"

"Nobody!" She said defensivly. "For me there is only you."

Rolling I moved my body on top of hers and giving her the very gaze she was talking about. "I better be."

Her freckled cheeks pinked as she looked up at me as if mesmorized..."See...that. That look right there makes me want you inside me." Her voice was sensual and sexy.

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