Airport (Solace Saint)

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Fabian displayed facial expressions I had never seen him make before as he ate his cereal. He had ordered food for both of us and he ate even though he claimed to have already eaten before he came back to the hotel. I guess after our tense run in he no longer felt a need for pretenses. He looked at me like he despised me, and it rolled off of him in thick waves. My own breakfast sat untouched in front of me. A dark feeling of anxiety had washed over me to the point where my stomach felt queasy. I stared down at the omelet and pushed it around half-heartedly with my fork. As he watched me my thoughts kept going back to last night and then when he returned this morning. It had me wondering who this man really was. If I was truely honest with myself I didn't really know anything about him except for what he told me. Dr. Kim's words came full circle to haunt me.

"I think that someone hit you hard, intentionally."

Pushing my chair out I began to stand from the table because no longer wanted to be under the scrutiny of that icey glare. He stopped eating dropping the spoon. A loud clank harshly bit into the silence as it hit his bowl. I froze feeling like a target. Ever so slowly the creepiest grin grew on his handsome face. Goosebumps rushed down my arms as I felt a deep chill.

"Something wrong? You haven't eaten any of your breakfast."

"I, uh, my stomach hurts." I felt my palms grow sweaty as he stood up from his seat. Even though he walked at a normal pace he crossed the empty space between us way too soon and I flinched as he reached out to my face. His hand stopped in midair as his eyes locked down on me and he tilted his head to get a closer look that creepy grin playing at his lips the whole time. He then put his hand to my forehead.

"Hmmmm no fever, but you do feel a bit clammy."

After his hand dropped, two of my own fingers reached up to rub my collarbone. His eyes followed my fingers and lingered on my neck with a scowl. I reliesed too late that he was staring at the marks G Dragon had left on my skin and pulled my hair forward to cover my neck. He rubbed his chin and watched me for an agonizing moment as if he was deciding something. The silence made me uncomfortable so I immediatly tried to ease my anxiety with words.

"Fabian I know you're angry with me. I apologize for hurting you but we're not together."

"Don't." He responded darkly with a tone of warning a slight tick in his jaw.

I bit my lip then pressed on against my better judgement. " I thought that if anything we were at least friends."

Like a predator he moved in closer to me and I moved back until my body hit the back of the couch. His muscular body pressed tight up against mine as one of his hands grabbed the hem of my shirt and began to lift it. I immediatly pushed his hands off pulling my shirt back down in a panic. He then grabbed my arm and ran his other hand up my back as I struggled against him.

"Fabian! No!" I pushed against his cheast but it didn't even make him budge. " Stop it! What are you doing?!" My voice sounded shrill and weak in the large room. My heart rate increased as I reliesed that we were alone and there would be nothing I could do if he decided to compleatly overpower me.

His face moved to my neck and I tried to tuck my chin to keep him from getting any closer to that sensitive area. Pain shot through my scalp as he clutched my hair in his fist and yanked my head back. His temple pressed against mine and his breath was hot and heavy against my ear.

"A complete stranger can do this to you but you freak out when I do this?" His voice was amused and dark as he spoke. "Friends, Judith? Don't kid yourself. We were never friends." He sighed hot against my neck as his lips brushed my earlobe.

"Please Fabian!" I swallowed hard as his tongue trailed the shell of my ear.

"We will never be just friends." One hand circled around the back of my neck while the other came to rest on my hip. "So it seems we have a dilema. What to do?"

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