Return to Korea (Kwon Jiyong)

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"It looks like the plastic surgery healed very well. I want you to continue to use the prescription creme on your skin until the final traces fade. You can put your shirt back on now. Do you have have any questions for me Mr. Kwon?" Dr. Lee asked as he sat down at his desk to type notes under my medical file.

I grabbed my sweatshirt and pulled it back over my head and down over my torso absently letting my fingers find the last healing reminder of being shot. The physical signs were gone but flashbacks continued. "No I think that you covered everything you could." The rest of the work would be for my therapist to do.

He smiled as he continued to type. "You're lucky. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to fix that scar. That must have been one hell of a painful gunshot wound." He said looking up and meeting my eyes from his computer. "You're nothing but resilient though after all that you have been through. As soon as you got back from America you create two hit records so hot that every song on it was an all kill?! What a recovery! Everyone says its your best work to date. You must be so proud."

"Yes, thank you. I am honored and grateful." I answered with a bow then moved to cut the small talk short. "Is that all you needed?"

"Well yes, unless you ever change your mind about that double eyelid surgery. I would be more then happy to do the work for you."

I smirked. He had been trying to talk me into that for years, even though my eyes had become part of what made me so enigmatic. I knew no matter how insecure the industry tried to make me feel I would never change my eyes. She had always loved my eyes. "No thanks. See you at the next checkup." I left with a deep bow and a short wave. The secretary was already waiting with my thick grey wool coat which I put on and buttoned up before I headed to the parking garage. Winter had come early and it was bitterly cold outside, too cold to even snow. Pulling a face mask up to cover my face I headed into the private parking garage and got into my white Lamborghini. The engine roared to life and I pulled out of the garage hitting the streets of Seoul. It was hard to believe that it had been way over a year since I had left America and come home. Everything was still fresh and so raw. Memories were so vivid felt like they had been created yesterday and they ran through my mind often. Never in my life even after Kiko had I been involved in a love affair as intense as the one that I had with Judith. In turn I had never encountered someone with as large of a void in his heart as Fabian Shelton. He had done so many dark things without a second thought. Knowing that a person like him existed in the world made me very aware that there could be more like him in the world. It had changed me , I had become more careful upped my security made new friends with caution and became even more protective of my band members. This had all come about because after the death of Liam Oshea we had never been able to find Fabian Shelton. He had dissapeared and the headlines of the missing diamond tycoon ran excessively on American news networks for months to no avail. Fabian Shelton had become the ghost I looked over my shoulder for. The cause of my anxiety and paranoia. He had the money and skills to hide and continue to do what he wanted to, forever. There was no way I could let him get away with what he had done to Judith so I put no price on attempting to find him. But even after all that had come up with no results. As I pulled up to a red light my cell began to ring.

"Yeoboseyo." I answered over the car speakers.

"Congratulations GD! You're killing it with another single. I just saw the new video, it's genius!" Zico's voice was full of admiration.

"Thanks man. Congratulations on the success of your solo album as well. Are you already done with your tour?"

"Yes I just wrapped the tour about a week ago. I will start recording the new Block B album come Monday. I already laid down the tracks for two songs as soon as I got back. I am actually in the studio right now working on another one."

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