Friends and Loyalty (Lydia Zinda)

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Judith...that was the name I heard him yell after us. I made it past the tree line and immediately hid, my lungs begging for air. Fear struck once I reliesed that I was alone. That my friend who had been running behind me hadn't made it here with me. Carefully I looked around the trunk of the large tree down the field towards the back of my home. Lark, the girl Fabian called Judith calmly stood infront of him her back to me with her hands raised. Strands of her pure copper hair blew gently in the breeze as the bright sun shone down illuminating her. It was eerily quiet as he held a gun to her cheast and my fingers dug into the bark of the tree panic rising in my chest. He was going to kill her! Just as I was about to scream he raised the gun and hit her in the head with it. Her body fell limp to the ground and he looked down casting a shadow over her. Then slowly he raised his head and pointed in my direction shouting something inaudible to his men. As I turned to run they began to run my way so I raced to the street. Just as Lark had said there was a cab waiting there for me.

" If I get caught you stay gone no matter what. You have to promise me okay?" Larks voice echoed in my head as I pulled open the door and jumped into the backseat. The cab driver looked back in his mirror.

"Are you the fare that needs to be taken to 2573 Kilbane Rd.?"

"Yes, please drive."

As the cab took off the two goons that had held me captive burst through the treeline. They weren't fast enough to catch me though and I watched as they bent, hands on their knees breathing hard. Their figures grew smaller in the back window while the cab took me away.

"Rough day?" The can driver asked eyeing me critically in the mirror once again.

"You could say that." I said not meeting his eyes and then looked outside the passanger window. After what I had just been through I could care less about what a random cab driver thought of my appearance. The bright sunny day outside was in complete ironic contrast to the way I felt inside. We drove by smiling children playing in a park, a couple in love smiling holding hands, and older lady petting her dog. All the while all I could think of was Lark laying in that field under Fabian's shadow. I feared for her but felt helpless to do anything. I couldn't go to the police and if I went back her sacrifice could end up in vain. Pulling the backpack she had given to me into my lap I slowly unzipped it. Inside there was a full change of clothing, a large bottle of water, a prepaid cellphone, a couple of power bars, road map, compass, lighter, and a swiss army knife. It's like she had packed a basic survival kit. The last item in the bag was a large manila envelope. I untied the red string and opened it. There were five one hundred dollar bills inside, a flash drive, fake id's with my picture under the name Viola Taylor, a bus ticket to Louisiana and a handwritten letter.


I am sorry, for everything that has happened to you for knowing me and being my friend. Fabian Shelton is a very dangerous and powerful man. He has crooked connections with the police and that is the reason that I ran from him instead of going to the law. You will never know how very sorry I am that I let you be my friend. Before you I didn't have a single friend for many years. I feared that Fabian would find out and use people I cared for against me. You now need to do the same thing that I have done for the past five years and dissapear. I wish there was another way but it's all I can do to keep you safe and away from him. He will hunt you for sport and has the resources to do so. You cannot tell anyone where you are going and you cannot take anyone with you to keep them safe. The money I included is for you to get your affairs together for the next week and leave. You need to stay under the radar as much as possible and take the bus to Louisiana. I understand that five hundred dollars will not be enough for you to start over so I have hidden a substantial amount of money for you. It is located in the Fairfax Extended Stay hotel. You will need to rent room 204 and bring tools to cut through the drywall. The money is hidden in the body of the bathtub and can be accessed by cutting through the drywall that connects to the tub. While I know that this is never going to replace everything that you are going to lose the money will help you start over comfortably. The flash drive included in this envelope will give you all of the information that I have learned over the years to survive Fabian and survive on the run. Memorize the information contianed and then destory it. Also please destory this letter after reading it so that it cannot be found and traced to you. Once again, I am so sorry for all of this. I understand if you regret your friendship with me, but thankyou for everything.

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