Bad Boy - Part 2(Fabian Shelton)

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My fingers curled around the phone number I had just gotten from that sexy model Kiko in my right hand. She had been making an epic scene at the end of the bar crying and wailing as she drank shots while Judith was taking forever in the bathroom. I bought her another drink then perceded to tell her everything she wanted to hear. Perfect timing, her ex had just made her feel like shit and immediately she started flirting with me. I escourted her back up to VIP to buy a little time with her just in case Judith came back. Kiko was all over me on the way and once we got back upstairs we made out for a while. The girls self esteem had taken a serious hit and that was working in my favor. She gave me her number without me having to ask when I told her I had to leave to look for my little sister. Once I made it out of VIP I looked down over the crowd partying below and pulled out my cell. There was only one message from Judith. Was she still in the bathroom? Looking at my watch I was surprised that thirty mintues had passed. There was no way she was still in there. Leaning on the rail I looked down to the party below seeing if I could catch a glimpse of her. The crowd had grown since I left the bar and then I remembered that is where I had told her to meet me. I would just tell her that I had to go to the bathroom too if she wondered where I had been. As I descended down the stairs I caught I glimpse of redhair in my pheiriphal and stopped short. Judith was pressed against the wall in a darkened corner of the main room her lips locked with a man that was pressed tight against her body as he felt her up. I felt it then, pure rage that instantly ignigated all over my body. What kind of fucking game was she playing with me?! I had spent all this time catering to her bullshit and here she is making out with a random fucking dude in the club. I was down the stairs in a flash when the man stumbled away from her back into the crowd pushing and shoving various party goers as he fell to the ground. Judith breathed hard sinking against the wall with a seductive look in her eyes as her fingers reached toward her lips. Did she actually enjoy that shit?! Then she noticed that I saw her and gasped quickly trying to straighten her disheveld dress her posture much straighter. I pushed several people and grabbed her arm in confrontation.

"What the fuck was that?!" She shrunk back against the wall in fear as I towered over her. "What the fuck were you doing?!" I screamed over the music breathing hard as she flinched and shrunk down making herself appear meek. I grabbed both of her arms shaking her. "Answer me!" She just blinked at me in shock and I just wanted to strangle her. The anger that was building inside had to go somewhere or I was about to lose it. I looked from left to right and then over my shoulder looking for the man that had touched her. Unfortuntly all I saw of him was his dark hair and that ridiculous fur coat he was wearing. What kind of man wears a fucking fur coat to a club, didn't matter he was about to be a dead fucking man. Squinting through the dark and flashing lights I saw the back him the furry coat swaying as he pushed and threw a fist at one of three men possibly bouncers trying to get a handle on him. A crowd had gathered around them but I didn't give a fuck I needed release I was going to cut this fucker apart. Snapping open my butterfly knife my body aburptly pulled away from her turning all the way when she threw herself against me grabbing my arm.

"Fabian don't!"

I turned back to her pleading voice incredulous that she had the nerve to try and stop me. You could tell that she was openly scared but she didn't let go even as I backed her up against the wall again and leaned in real close to her ear.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? Get the hell off me." I growled in a low tone my forearm holding her back against the wall. Why the hell was she defending this asshole? Did she know him? Her hands grabbed my arm trying to relieve some of the pressure I was putting against her. My other hand shook at my side clutching the knife.

"Please....stop." Even though I couldn't hear her over the thrumming basslines I read her swollen lips. How long had she been kissing that motherfucker? I grabbed her chin inspecting her lips as she trembled my eyes ran down to her neck seeing freash bruises and bite marks. My fist immediatly sailed into the wall beside her head several times as she screwed her eyes shut and threw her hands up in defense. Then I turned back to the dancefloor, foam had begun to rain down behind us covering the main dancefloor and partygoers in a sea of white bubbles. Shit! I had lost the man in the foam. Pocketing my knife I slowly turned back to her and grabbed her arm walking off pulling her behind me. I yanked and pulled when she lagged behind and soon we were out in the open air. I heard the shuffling and stumbling of her heels behind me.

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