Confessions/ Part 1 (Solace Saint )

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I leaned forward moulding my body against the white tank of the motorcycle the wind gliding over me as my wrist turned the throttle after my boot had kicked it up into a higher gear. The reason that I loved riding was evident to me all over again. It was freedom, from my anixety, loneliness, and my pain . I could forget that I had problems and just focus on becoming one with the machine I was riding. There was also the extra bonus of the the anoniminty that a motorcycle helmet and riding gear provided. I could hide compleatly out in the open as well as outrun most vehicles even in congested traffic if nessasary. Coming to a stop at a redlight I put my foot on the ground and sat up on the bike looking out over the New York streets. It was almost time to head back to the hotel. I had been out for most of the day aquiring the motorcycle as well as a new storage unit. I had taken the identity from a man who worked in the hotel and had chosen to put the storage unit in his name as well as the registration for the bike. Maybe that would stave off Fabian for a good long while because he would definantly be looking for a female name. I felt kind of stupid that I didn't think to do something like this sooner but I was learning from my mistakes almost as fast as I made them. The only thing in my life right now that I couldn't seem to get a handle on, no matter how hard I tried was Kwon Ji Yong. I wasn't rational when it came to him and I needed to be. He was quickly becoming my main weakness. Lifting my foot from the ground and putting the bike in gear I rode off towards the hotel. There was a parking garage within walking distance that did a daily rate so I pulled in there. I picked a space near some other bikes and parked. After setting the motorcycle on the kickstand I dismounted and looked around. The garage was busy but no one really paid attention to me as I headed for the stairwell. Once I started climbing stairs I took off my riding gloves and helmet shaking out my hair. I reached the ground level and walked out of the garage making my way to the hotel. The sun was shinning brightly as I walked blending in with the New Yorkers on the sidewalks. I smiled to myself as I remebered what Top had done in the kitchen earlier that morning. As I poured my tea he leaned in close to my ear and said.

"I'm gonna do you a solid before I leave. Stand real still and pay close attention to me as I whisper to you. Now, smile and laugh a bit, make sure you sound cute."

I giggled and smiled indulging him by following his whispered instructions. I was curious to find out why he was doing this.

He glanced briefly behind us."Very's working he's really staring daggers at us, well mostly  at me. I hope that you and GD work things out. I like you for him." I almost turned around as I heard Ji Yong angrily talking to Taeyang behind us in Korean but Top stopped me by squeezing my shoulder and saying. "Don't look...just stay like that. Hopefully this will push you guys to talk. Just so you know what happened with Kiko it wasn't his fault and your misunderstanding what actually went down. Now, ignore him until he speaks to you." He then turned leaving my side and went over to Ji Yong and Taeyang saying his goodbyes. I was kind of sad to see them go because they had both been so nice to me and it was like having friends.

Reaching the hotel I pulled open the lobby doors and headed straight for the elevator up to the penthouse suite. Removing my boots I set them by the front door and  walked to the counter setting down my helmet. Gaho nuddged my leg and I bent over to pet him.

"Where's Ji Yong?" I asked as I smiled at Gaho. He turned his head sideways as if he could hear me better that way. "Is it just us?" I rubbed behind his ear as he wagged his tail. Trying to determine if I was indeed alone I headed towards Ji Yong's room. I raised my hand and wrapped my knuckles against the door three times. The door opened but there was no one on the other side.

Opening the door wider with my palm I called out tentatively, "Ji Yong? I'm back." No response so I walked in carefully looking around the room. The bed was neatly made and the room smelled of Ji Yong's enticing colonge. I began to walk around the room longing to be close to him. I looked at some pictures he had of himself and his family. There were also a few of big bang in a digital  picture frame that cycled through various images of them having fun together. Moving further into the room I ran my fingers over the smooth materiel of the clothing that hung neatly on a clothing rack. I marveled at the quality of the exspensive fabrics. Ji Yong had expensive taste, there was no doubt about that, but he also liked quality. Everything he bought was well made the best in fact. I moved over to the dresser where his labtop sat and saw myself in the mirror. I backed up slowly then sat down on the foot of his bed. Hearing something drop to the floor I looked down discovering a handwritten notebook. As I leaned down to pick it up my eyes unnintentionly read over the words. He had written the words in English and I should have immediatly stopped reading but the title made me so curious I had to continue.

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