Desert Part 1 (Fabian Shelton)

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The two big breasted blondes let themselves out giggling the whole way. The threesome with them had been fun but it was time for business. The sun was already asserting itself through the blinds.  Standing up I raised my arms giving my body a full length stretch. I hadn't felt this satisfied in a long time, things were finally going my way just the way things were supposed to be. I was in charge of my destiny and everyone else's. It was the law of nature the strong was supposed to rule the weak. Grabbing my phone from the nightstand I lit up the screen. There were no missed calls, messages or voicemail's. This did and did not surprise me. While Liam was usually prompt and quick to report on his assignments he was also a loose cannon. He had been known to celebrate his major accomplishments with too much liquor, fast women, and sometimes even hard drugs. It was quite possible that he was passed out in a puddle of his own debauchery. I showered and got dressed quickly to see if he had come back to the house instead just in case.  I passed by the locked room that I had left Judith in without a second glance and marched down the stairs. Walking briskly from room to room I found no one, pulling the blinds aside the only car parked in the driveway was my own. My brow furrowed I reached for my cell once more and called Liam. After a few rings I reached his voicemail.

"Liam call me immediately for status on Kwon." I then hung up letting my hand drop to my side. If he didn't call me back within the next couple of minutes I would call the men I had sent with him or just drop by the warehouse I had prearranged to keep Kwon at. Liam knew the stakes he knew what failure in this situation meant so why hadn't he called me immediately? This was aggravating but I had something to ease that feeling. For now that meant my focus was with the redhead upstairs. It was time for her to give me my money back and I was going to enjoy getting it from her.

Twirling a key ring around my index finger I jogged back up the stairs feeling my face fall into a huge grin. Throwing the three locks I let the door swing open as I leaned against the door-frame.  She was sitting on the bed her back against the headboard and her knees pulled all the way up to her chest. Her head was resting on her knees and she now began to slowly raise her head meeting my gaze.  The expression on her face was indistinct but her eyes were bloodshot and her hair was a mess. 

"Good morning, how did we sleep?" I asked walking over to the bed knowing that she probably hadn't slept at all since I left her here. I reached for the locks at her ankles and opened them. Her pale skin was aggravated red and raw at each cuff. She had tried hard to pull her ankles free last night the evidence carved into her skin.
"Sturdy cuffs huh?" I said grabbing her ankle roughly and squeezing. She hissed her leg rigid but kept silent as I gave it a couple of slaps."Stayed up all night trying to get out of these?" I dangled the metal cuffs from my fist.

When she didn't answer I leaned in and grabbed her chin in the palm of my hand making her look at me. "It's rude not to answer someone when they're talking to you. Now, how did you sleep?" 

Her green eyes avoided eye contact with me as she quietly mumbled. "I didn't sleep."

I nodded letting her chin go. "That's too bad. We have a very long day ahead of us." I grabbed the chain that was attached to the collar at her neck and wrapped it around my hand twice. "Get up. We have places to go things to do."

She stood tentatively her head lowered to the ground. Her voice came out barley above a whisper. "What have you done with Jiyong?"

I just began walking pulling the chain hard she began following stumbling behind me. "Fabian please, tell me. I have to know! Jiyong..." She continued in a strained voice pulling back on the chain.

"Shut the fuck up!" I spun to face her my voice thundering I hated his name on her tongue. I also hated  that she reminded me I didn't really know the answer to that yet. "Who told you speak?! I will be asking the questions and giving orders." I moved in on her and threw my finger into her face and making her flinch." You have to earn your privileges! I don't have to fucking answer to you! " A single tear rolled down her freckled cheek as she swallowed hard twice.  She however never sniffled or made a sound, as if  strangely she knew that this calmed me a bit. "Today we are going to go get my money." I moved in close to her ear smelling the alcohol I had spilled on her last night. "You're gonna cooperate and maybe I will let you ask some questions." I lightly but firmly patted her cheek several times."Hmmmmm? So are you gonna be a good little girl for daddy?"

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