Two Different Plans (Solace Saint)

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"Come on Jiho give me my phone back." I said tugging at his arm. We had been walking, window shopping for a while now.

He smiled playfully patting the front right pocket of his designer jeans. "You can get it."

I shoved his shoulder lightly while he goofed off acting injured.

"I am not reaching in your front pocket Woo Jiho." I folded my arms infront of me.

"Too bad. But at least your finally smiling."

"Can I have my phone now?"

"Nope. We are spending time together and I want your undivided attention Noona."

He had snatched my phone as soon as we walked out of the hotel turned it off then shoved it into his pocket.

"Fine. Are you going to buy anything?"

"When you see something you want of course."

I shook my head laughing. "I'm good."

"So what happened?"

"What do you mean what happend?"

"With you and GD. Why are you guys mad at each other?"

"How did you know?"

"It was written all over both of your faces." He said poking me in the cheek with his index finger.

I shoved my hands deep into my pockets and sighed. "He's mad because he thinks that I am hiding things from him that he feels he should know."

"Well are you?" He said stopping infront of a clothing store window looking at the display of men's clothing.

"I feel that as his employee I am entitled to my rights of privacy with things that do not concern work."

He turned from the window to look at me. "Nice way of not answering directly." He grinned. "So you're hiding things. Interesting...don't want me to know either huh?"

"No. And no I cannot explain why!" I immediately shut my mouth at my outburst.

"It's okay calm down." He held up his hands infront of himself. "I won't pry. Fiesty and all ready for a that what happened with GD?"

"Can we not talk about him right now?"

He looked at me for a good long moment. Zico, just like Ji Yong was always analyzing. "Okay. Come on." We continued down the busy sidewalk.

"So I heard the liqour got the best of you after you left the party last night."

I blushed as I instantly rembered Ji Yong that hungry look in his dark eyes as he jumped into the shower with me.

"Yeah. I made quite a scene."

Butterflies went wild in my gut as memories of last night flashed in my mind. His fingers entangled in my hair with his body pressed so close to mine. Then his mouth all over my neck sucking and biting. I felt my skin heat up. Trying to push the thought aside I continued,"Thanks for helping me to the limo."

"No problem." He smiled and then stopped infront of a shoe store. His eyes lit up and he grabbed my hand dragging me inside. That was when I found out how much Jiho loved shoes. He tried on several different pairs as I watched him model each pair. But my thoughts weren't with Jiho. Sadness consumed me as I rembered that my most precious possession my bike was now gone. At some point soon I need to procure another getaway vehicle.

"What do you think?" Jiho asked with an excited smile as he moved his feet to display a pair of red and black Jordans.

"Huh? Oh they look really nice on you." I forced a smile trying to be present in the moment.

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