Narcissistic Rage (Solace Saint)

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My hand trembled as I summoned my courage to speak and sound calm. I was surprised as I heard my voice form words without faltering.

"Alright, then why don't you come outside." Time stood still as I looked acrossed the street to Lydia's house watching her front door without blinking.

"Oh Judith has it been so long that you don't remeber how I am? I thought you knew me, love. " He chuckled but there was menace to his tone.

"I could never forget you Fabian. You are the most horrible person I have ever met and cared about. I also know  hearing that makes you happy.  People are objects to you so that you can fill the empty shell that you are. I'll admit in the beginning I believed you were everything you pretended to be. You read me well and made me fall in love with your facade. But you're just a sad, lonely, insecure little boy.  You are a bored spoiled brat with too many toys and an inferiority complex so you need to hurt people compensate for it. What is it? Did your mommy not love you enough? Daddy say you were special for just being mediocre?"

"You fucking bitch where the hell are you? I hope you know your mouth is writing checks your ass can't cash!"

I could tell he was flying into his rage all he needed was one last push so I took a slow quiet breath then continued calm and steady.

"Oh I know you, how you think. Spent five years getting away from you because I made sure I knew you. Just like I knew you would leave your keys, you always do, because no one would dare mess with Fabian Sheltons' things."

Reaching up I pressed the start button on the Bently and heard it come to life. "Thank you. Had a lot of fun with the money I got from you, really gonna enjoy this car too." Before he could respond, I disconnected the call and tossed the burner cell onto the street hearing it shatter to pieces. I put on my sunglasses and put the Bently in gear as I heard the front door of Lydia's home crash open. Fabian was just as crazy beautiful as I remebered but his face was contorted in rage as he raced out towards me. I instantly pulled away as he ran behind me the car responded with the lightest touch and sent a thrill through me. There was no turning back now as I watched him grow smaller in my rear view mirror. He had stopped running turning back and getting keys from one of his men. Then headed directly for a black Mercedes-Benz. I turned the corner and took off doing sixty miles per hour the odometer climbing as I high-tailed it out of the residential zone. I had to drive fast get to my desination or my entire plan would fall apart . There wasn't much time. The wind blew my hair back as I continued to speed up. The Benz was no where in sight in my rear view but I still ran a red light holding my breath and barely missing a white minivan in the intersection.  Screeching tires sounded as the rest of the vehicles came to an aburpt stop as I charged onward. Cars honked and one driver gave me the finger as I passed several of them with near misses and cutting the final one off to take a sharp turn.  I had now reached speeds of eighty miles per hour passing cars and pulling onto a sidewalk to run another redlight. Glad that I knew the area well I tore through several residential zones and then some deserted back roads grateful to keep my encounters with northern Virginia traffic to a minimum. I also thanked my lucky stars having avoided the police so far but my luck couldn't last forever. This was Fairfax County after all and the police force here was known to be assholes. They ticketed for even the smallest offenses especially at the end of the month. I guess being the highest paid force in the state made them extra ambitious about their jobs. I was close to my desination and slowed taking yet another sharp turn kicking up road debrie under the high performance tires. I could see my Fabian chose this car it was pure pleasure to drive. Gunning it and pushing the gas once more the vehicle shot forward, I was close. My heart raced at the anticipation of my destination as I hit the homestreach with all the Bently had.  Suddenly a pleasant female robotic voice came through the speakers.

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