Room 204 (Lydia Zinda/Kwon Jiyong)

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Lydia Zinda POV

"I would like to rent room 204 please."
The tall clerk at the front desk raised his eyebrow at me. "That room is currently occupied. We have plenty of other rooms available miss."

I bit the inside of my cheek. "I kind of really want that room. When do you think it will be available?"

"Your the second person in the week who requested specifically that room. What's the deal?" The clerk eyed me suspiciously folding his arms infront of himself.

"Ah nothing it's just where I stayed when I was here last time and I slept very well there." Lame excuse Lydia like he's really gonna buy that I thought trying to keep smiling innocently.

The clerk's brown eyes continued to look at me his face expressionless. He wasn't buying it. "I would be willing to settle for a room directly next door." I quickly changed the subject.

"The rooms on each side of 204 are occupied already."

"Oh..." I bit my lip. " How about the room across?"

He sighed as if annoyed unfolded his arms and began to type into the computer. "The closest room available to 204 is 207." He then looked up at me expectantly.

"I'll take it!" I said eagerly digging cash from my pocket. I placed the cash on the desk and the clerk checked me in handing over a key card and my change. "Thankyou." I said grabbing the card and my bag then went directly for the elevator. Pushing two I watched the metal doors slide closed and leaned my shoulder against the wall. I felt gravity pull on my feet as the elevator floor pushed me up. A ding sounded as the elevator stopped and the doors slid open. I quickly made my way down the hall eyeing room 204 as I moved to room 207. Sliding my card into the lock the door popped open and I went inside shutting the door behind me with a click. Sitting down on the hotel bed I tried not to worry as I wondered how long room 204 would be occupied. I knew that I couldn't stay here long and that I was going to need that money soon if I was going to help Judith. I had decided against running and I was going to help save my friend as she had done for me. I knew I wasn't capable of shooting anyone or skilled enough to go in myself. Fabian terrified me, but I could help from a distance. In order to do that I needed money to hire some people and still keep myself safe. I knew that I couldn't move on live with the idea that she would be hurt or killed. The more I thought about everything I couldn't just leave her no matter what promises I had made. One day had already passed and I didn't even want to imagine what was happening to her right now. I had to hurry. I really couldn't wait for the people renting the room to leave. Fabian did not come off as a patient forgiving man. What had she done to make him hate her so much? Probably nothing, that man was evil to the core. At least from my experiance. He was capable of horrible things without hesitation. I had to get into that room but was at a loss as to how when I heard a knock at my door.

"Maid Service." I head a female voice from the other side. That's it! I yanked open the door to a rather suprised looking young lady with a cart holding some towels. She gasped as I grabbed her arm and pulled her inside my room shutting the door. She dropped the towels on the floor her arms coming up to sheild herself defensively. "Ma'am I am sorry I didn't mean to distrub..."

"No, your timing is perfect." I gave her my most innocent smile. "I really need your help. I am sorry if I startled you."

"Okay." she said letting out a deep breath her shoulders relaxing.

"I need to barrow your uniform universal key and your cart for the day."

"What? Why would you want to do that?"

Pulling out two hundered dollars I held it up infront of her. " Because in exchange for those things and your silence there is two hundred dollars cash in it for you. "

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