Captive (Solace Saint)

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Bracing my injured shoulder I tried to calm my racing heart. Fabian was driving without restraint, ripping through the streets like a mad man. This was making my ride in trunk feel like I was in a washer going through the spin cycle. I tried to do my best to protect my existing injuries but in the process earned new ones. The music blasted at full volume and I couldn't hear anything, let alone what else was going on outside of the trunk. Surging pain in my shoulder made me quickly lose track of the turns he was taking. I tried my best to find a way out but there was no glow in the dark trunk release tab like there was in most modern cars. Plus at the speed we were traveling jumping from an open trunk would have severely injured me or possibly even killed me. Even though it felt like an eternity I still had enough wits about me to know that we only driven for about twenty minutes. We were still in Vegas. As the vehicle turned off the blaring music finally died leaving a steady ringing in my ears. I heard a muffled car door open then shut and a few seconds later the click of the trunk sounded. The trunk lid lifted slowly to reveal Fabian looking down at me. A faint smile played over his features as he looked over me for a silent moment. He then reached for my injured arm grabbing tight and pulling. I cried out in pain, tears immediately forming in the corners of my eyes.

"My shoulder, it's dislocated!" I reliesed my mistake as soon as I uttered the words and snapped my mouth shut.

He yanked my wrist hard lifting my limp arm into the air and let it drop. I cried out again one tear actually escaping the corner of my left eye while I gritted my teeth together.

"So it is." He said matter of factly a blank expression on his face. "You want sympathy? How about next time you don't try to kill me?" He only smirked. "Get the fuck out."

Tentatively I eased out of the trunk cradling my throbbing arm in tight to my chest with my good arm. I took calculated breathes through my teeth trying to endure the pain.

"That way." He pointed over my shoulder with a gun and I turned looked up the driveway to a completely normal suburban house. We seemed to be in a nice upper class neighborhood. All of this was taking place in plain sight in the middle of suburbia, it seemed ironic that he took me to such a normal place. There were normal people living in the houses around us, sleeping soundly to be ready for work or school the following morning while I was being walked up a driveway in their own  neighborhood at gunpoint.

"Move your ass." He barked as his large hand grasped the back of my neck firmly pushing me up the slight hill. I did my best to match his pace stumbling a bit because he pushed me so hard. His voice was hot by my ear as he spoke. "Don't even think about screaming. You don't run shit here, keep walking."

Upon entering the house I reliesed that it was just as opulently furnished as his other home. He strutted inside removing his coat and hung it on the oak banister. He then outstretched his arms and did a full turn as he smiled sinisterly at me then bowed. "Welcome home love. It's been a long time coming." His icy eyes looked me over as he rubbed his chin. "Now your back where your supposed to be." His eyes contiued to roam stopping on all the private places of my body making my skin crawl. He licked his lips, "We have a lot of catching up to do."

I hugged myself and backed up as I stared at him. His brow furrowed as soon as he noticed my actions he was up on me real close getting into my face in an instant. "Don't flatter yourself baby. I can smell that pretty boy all over you." He snatched my hair up in his fist and yelled." How many times did you let him fuck you?! Huh? How long did it take for him to get you to spread your legs? Did you do all the things for him you learned from me?!"

I stayed quiet as he glared at me his face only a centimeter away from mine.

He then spoke once more. "Uh huh your silence speaks volumes. Don't worry he's gonna get what I have coming to him. Just remember, this is all your fault. You knew who you belonged to. This was supposed to be our story Judith, just you and I. You fucked up when you made him part of it. I mean, who do you think is telling this story, you or me ?! I am! Not you, me! I decide on what happens to all of the characters in it! Particularly you!" He grabbed my hair and smelled it then cringed.
"You reek of that asshole all over, it's disgusting." He let my hair drop from his fingers.

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