Voicemails (Kwon Ji Yong)

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"Yah, wake up!"

Shocked I sat straight up my notebook falling from my body to the floor. I blinked into the daylight and saw Taeyang grinning at me.

" I can see why you left the club early and slept so long!"

He was holding a black ripped shirt and swinging it back and forth with an impish look on his face.

"Finally Ji! What did you do? Kick the girl out right afterwards and start writing lyrics? Is the writers block that doomed us all finally over?" He laughed with happiness moving to my notebook on the floor. I grabbed it before he could get to it.

"Come on let me see!"

"No way you know the rules, not until I am ready. "

He tossed the shirt at my face. Her scent of lavender vanilla was all over it. I felt heat envelope my entire body. Taking the shirt from my face I watched Taeyang let himself drop on the leather chair to my side.

"Very funny." I looked at him earnestly.

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestivly.
"Your saying nothing happened and you have ripped clothing in your bathroom. Now your inspired and started writing again."

"Nothing happened."

Taeyangs look became serious ,"Hey, are you still not over Kiko? I mean I know that shits still sorta fresh; but man its been six months."

" You know I don't wanna talk about that crap." Kiko had dumped me and shattered my heart. I spent a good long while in a haze of cigarettes and alcohol. There were plenty embarassing late night drunk dails to Kikos voicemail. She lead me on and then she told me to leave her alone and changed her number. Later through various gossip blogs and internet forums she humilated me with lies. Lastly she topped it off by posting those drunk messages show casing my lowest loser moments for the world to see. I immediately stopped binge drinking and put all of my focus into fixing the media horror Kiko had caused for Big  Bang. While most of the guys danced around the subject Taeyang felt it was his duty to pull me out if my despair by discussing her. I however chose to ignore my pain. The only way I knew how to do that sober was to cutoff all my feelings both bad and good. I worked but after that the writers block came. I could not write without feelings without having emotion. But I had forgotten how to feel anything but empty disconnected  and lonely. It was during this time that I chose to focus on Solace. That was when what had started as a distraction became an obsession.

"I'm just worried about you. We're all worried about you. You haven't followed through with a girl in months. Don't think we haven't noticed."

Anger coursed through my body. I lowered my tone and slowly spoke through my teeth. "Just drop it. Next subject."

He knew me well enough to take me seriously "Alright fine. So are you gonna take me to the airport today since you ditched me?" He grabbed a fashion magazine from the coffee table and began to flip through it.

"I am sorry about that. Something important came up."

His eyebrow lifted and a smirk crossed his lips. He looked at my hand still holding the shirt. "Yeah I see that heartbreaker."
He always had to make cheesy refrences to my songs and lyrics. I rolled my eyes and he continued. "By the way those girls you ditched at the club left their numbers for you. I told them I would get this to you...but I get the feeling you don't care like always." He crumpled the papers and tossed them on the coffee table.

" I am going to take a shower." Heading for the bedroom I closed the door and set my notebook on the desk.

"Don't take an hour in there this time pretty boy I'm hungry." I heard him yell through the door.

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