Breathless (Kwon Ji Yong)

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Fear welled up in my heart and I hated the feeling. Did she run away? I searched for the beautitul redhead all over the party until I finally found her seated at the house bar beside Zico. Her back was to me; they seemed animated in drinks and conversation. Empty shots of what looked like tequila lined the bar and I wondered how many they had done as she swayed slightly but the grasped Zico for support. He leaned in his arm circling her back and whispered in her ear. She laughed as if it was the funniest thing ever. A wave of jealously swept over me. I was angry why had he encouraged her to drink so much and now he was obviously flirting with her. I divided their closeness by marching between them and put my hand on her tattooed shoulder. She turned to me clumsily and grinned wide.

"Oh hi G Dragon!" Turning back she reached over the bar and patted Zico's hand with excitement.

" Jiho!" He grinned lazily at her. "Have you met G Dragon, this is my new boss!" They both laughed as if in on some inside joke. Now they were also on a first name basis and she was using my stage name when she'd used my real name for days?

I steadied her trying to get her green eyes to focus on me."How much did you drink?"

A goofy grin plastered on her face and she shrugged. "I lost many Jiho?" She giggled, he laughed..and I ran my hand through my hair and turned to Zico exasperated.

He wasn't much better and began counting on his fingers. I should have left her with Top or Taeyang. I shouldn't have left her at all.

"Aish! Come on Solace." I yanked on her arm. We were leaving, now.

"Oh okay..." she stumbled on her high heels as she tried to balance. Zico quickly stood too balancing her other side and laughing with her. Eventually she gave up on her shoes and walked barefoot a shoe in each hand her arms slung over our shoulders. We put her back into the limo and she slumped against the seat.

"See you later. You have my number use it." Zico leaned into the limo smiling at her.

"Bye Jiho." She sat up waved widely flashing a huge grin. "Be good."

"I'm always good." He answered and winked at her. I felt my jaw tighten as my teeth ground together. Womanizer.

He then looked at me."Later GD. I will tell the guys you left for the night. This girl is amazing." I nodded curtly, closed the door and we were off. I glared at Zico through the tinted window as he watched us drive away.

Solace moaned trying to blow her hair from her face in frustration, failing miserably. I reached out to tuck it behind her ear and she moved away from my reach. She had never done this before.

"Is everything okay?" My hand dropped from midair.

"Yup!" She said cheerily emphasis on the p. "Everything's great! I like Jiho, he's fun!"Her green eyes were huge and glittering with excitement, for Jiho? What the hell? He had allowed her to get vunderable and drunk their first meeting. Didn't she see that was wrong? Did she like him?

"Will he be staying at one of the rooms in the penthouse?"

Not if I could help it the rooms were intended for Top, Taeyang, and her. The last room was to be her makeup room. Zico almost always kept his own private room even when he toured with Block B and tonight that fact made me happy.

"No he has his own room." I said matter of factly.

"Awe that sucks." Then she changed the subject quietly. "You're girlfriend is really pretty." Then she animated again. "Don't worry I'll keep your secret! I am good with secrets!" She lifted her index finger and pointed to herself proudly.

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