Desert Part 2 (Solace Saint)

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He had been flooring it through the desert for the past thirty minutes his jaw tight. The phone call he had taken had severely pissed him off. I could tell that he was barely containing his rage as he white knuckled the steering wheel. As we got deeper and deeper into the desert putting countless miles behind us he was beginning to lose his patience.

"How much fucking further?!" he snapped at me.

"We're almost there." I made sure to keep my voice even and monotone. Keeping him calm was in my best interest. I had to appear calm and submissive, even though not knowing what happened with Jiyong was killing me. I had become so worried that I had become nauseous and had tried to suppress throwing up the entire night I had been locked up. In between my crying fits and restlessness the smell of the alcohol he had poured all over me had only exasperated the situation until I finally threw up into one of the pillow cases on the bed until the entire contents of my stomach had left me. But even after that the feeling of queasiness had never quite dissapeared, but I had to make sure that Fabian thought he controlled this situation. I did my best to keep my stomach in check, keep my head on straight, I had to hope against hope that Jiyong had somehow survived Liam's attack or I wasn't going to be able to function and everything would be in vain.

His right hand shot out and grabbed my arm squeezing me so hard he was going to leave a bruise. "You had better not be fucking with me! No one fucks with me!" He began to shake me as he drove erratically swerving to miss a large boulder. I could feel my stomach rolling again a cold sweat breaking out all over my body. I felt even sicker from the erratic car ride and the fact that he touched me was making my skin crawl.

My nails dug into my palms as I forced myself to look ahead through the windshield while my teeth ground together. The grouping of bushes and rocks where I had buried the money was quickly approaching. I lifted my chin and then my bound hands in that direction and said in an even tone. "Up ahead by those large rocks is where we need to stop."

"About fucking time!" He released my arm driving even faster until we came to an abrupt stop the seat belt locking in on me as my body swung forward. He cut the engine and swung open his door stepping outside. In his typical Fabian flair he stretched in the sunlight and adjusted his sunglasses as he survyed the vast desert. I took this moment to see if there was any possible way to free my hands or feet pulling against the restraints and twisting my hands against the cuffs. I made no progress as the hard plastic bit deep into my wrists tears welling in the corner of my eyes from the pain. I let my hands fall back into my lap as I stomped the floor board repeatedly holding in tears and a cry of frustration. Fabian then turned back and made is way to my side of the Jeep yanking open the door. He leaned in over me and unbuckled my seat-belt then moving back he pulled his favorite knife from his pocket swinging the bail song in one swift practiced motion. He then grabbed my arm pulling my bound hands towards him. He used it the cut the zip tie from my wrist the plastic falling to the ground. I grabbed my wrist which was red and bleeding in a few places as he smirked down at me.

"That's what you get for trying to pull out of those cuffs." He then snatched my red wrist yanking me around in the seat my legs coming around outside of the passenger side door. I pressed my lips together to suppress a cry as he squeezed hard yet again while he watched my face with a sadistic smile. He knew he was hurting me but I wasn't going to show it.

"You are to cooperate while we are out here. Do not piss me off or I will start by craving my name into this arm. " He then let go and moved to cut the zip tie binding my ankles together. He then grabbed me by the elbow pulling we from the Jeep. "Now where the fuck is my money buried?"

He pulled me around the front of the Jeep as I tried to keep from stumbling the pins and needles in my toes just beginning to subside. The sun was hot and high above us and I squinted in the harsh sunlight.

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