Dirty Little Secrets (Solace Saint)

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I felt completely alone as I heard the door to Ji Yong's room click shut while I walked away. While I was used to loneliness, the pain in my heart was new. The emotion inside me was so raw it made me feel like crying. I...did not want to cry...I wanted to do anything other than cry. Scream maybe....laugh in some crazy sad hysterical way, but not cry. That made me feel weak. I wanted to talk to someone who cared about me. I missed Lydia...but one of my firm rules was no contact after leaving a location. It kept me and the people I encountered safe. I couldn't put her at risk like that because I couldn't handle my shit without verbal therapy. So I needed to suck it up. This was after all, my fault for breaking another one of my many rules; don't get emotionally involved. I had not only fallen for Jiyong I had given my body to him. It made me vunderable in ways that I could not stand. It was the reason my stupid heart hurt and my watery eyes made my vision blurry. Sitting down on the couch I stared at a blank television flatscreen while Gaho made himself comfortable at my feet contendedly chewing on a green flip-flop Jiyong had scraficed to him the other day. Numbly I picked up the remote and turned on the t.v. Letting the entertainment channel continue to play I stared at the flickering screen without even trying to comprehend it. My mind was somewhere else, at first with Ji Yong's anger from a few moments ago. Then it moved on to Ji Yong's coldness after we had slept together. As I began to chastise myself for thinking that I was special to him; I saw him on t.v. I laughed sadly and shook my head at the stupid coincidence. He was shown at the fashion show sitting in front row of the runway next to Kiko. Next she grabbed his hand and leaned her head on his shoulder smiling. My heart dropped from my cheast to the bottom of my stomach as I saw their very public moment of affection. Snatching the remote I turned off the t.v. and tossed the controller on the coffee table with a loud clunk.

"Just an ex, huh Ji Yong?" I covered my face with my palms and ran my hands up through my hair in frustration. Honestly who was I to even be upset by this. We weren't a couple; Ji Yong had made no official commitment to me. He didn't really owe me anything. Hell, I hadn't even waited to go out on a date with him before I had let him sleep with me. "You're an idiot Solace." I commented bitterly.

Getting up off the couch I marched back to my bedroom and closed the door. Feeling around in the dark I grabbed my labtop from my bookbag, got on the bed and layed down on my stomach. The only light in the room was the boot screen from my flickering labtop as it cycled through various images. Pulling up several online sites I began to shop for a new motorcycle for sale by a private owner close to the hotel. I finally settled on a white Honda CBR and called the number listed on the ad. I rang three times and a male voice picked up.


"Hi, the online ad you have posted for your Honda CBR, is that still for sale?"


"I am interested in the bike, five grand right? Is there any way we can meet soon so I can check it out?"

"Yeah five thousand, no private checks though. When and where is good for you?"

"I could do tonight, but I know it's late or tomorrow morning if your up for it."

"Uh tonight's no good but I can meet up tomorrow at 9a.m. Where at?"

"Columbus Circle?"

"Sounds good...your name and number?"

"Yvonne Smith." I lied and then I rattled of my burner number to him. Hanging up my cell I tossed it back down on the bed and put my earbuds in to listen to some music. Putting on a playlist of the saddest songs I had in my mp3 player I began to work on picking my new name so that I could set up my new identity. After a few hours of work I settled on the name Viola Taylor and had finished processing two fake ID's for the name. Setting up my map on the wall I went through my dart routine...this time I hit New Orleans. I began mapping the best route to Lousianna if a get away was nessasary. It was about a nineteen hour drive which meant that I needed around two to three stopping points. There was no way I was leaning over on a sports bike for nineteen hours straight. My wrists, and back would have killed me. I also knew that I would need sleep. So I planned several cheap hotel locations along the way careful to aviod the Northern Virginia area since I had been there so recently. Thease were all things I should have started doing a week ago. And I cursed myself in my mind for losing sight of what was important for my survival.

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