All Bets Are Off (Fabian Shelton)

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"Three days, three whole days and you still haven't been able to find her?" I felt a slow ironic smile crawl across my lips as I shook my head with dissatisfaction. The best men money could buy, these men who wouldn't meet my eyes even though they were responsible, were completely useless. We had her, knew her exact location as soon Kwon was taken to the hospital. Then no less then seven hours later she eluded us without a trace. She was no where to be found in the hospital and absolutely no one saw her leave. Everyone had very elaborate excuses and no one had answers.

"I am beginning to think that you are taking advantage of my patience, my good nature." I walked the line of men slowly as I looked at each one seeing if any one of them could look me in the eyes. All of them were staring down at the ground a few breaking a sweat, some fidgeting. I felt disgusted with their cowardice.

"You see, I feel that taking the wait and see approach isn't working for any of you." I turned and began to walk down the line again until I reached the middle. Then I stopped and faced all of them looking them over.  It had taken three days, three whole days of obtaining security video from all over the hospital and watching hours of footage until I had finally found out how she had gotten away. She  exited from a side door and had walked right by the man I was currently standing in front of. She had been dressed in a green pair of hospital scrubs. I had issued each and everyone of them a picture of her. He hadn't even give her a second glance when she walked by him, he was worthless. 

"Hey we are all in this together."  I said with a huge smile putting my hand on the mans shoulder. He slowly looked up at me and I felt the corner of my mouth kick up the smile falling into a smirk.

"I'm just not giving you guys enough motivation and as your boss it is my job to help you with motivation." I continued putting the palm of my hand on the back of his neck and letting the other half of my mouth kick back up letting a full smile cross my lips.  He nervously smiled back and nodded like a bobble head. Without hesitation I sunk my knife into his gut all the way up to the hilt. His eyes grew wide when he finally noticed that I was killing him. I continued to smile at him as I twisted the knife and he doubled over in pain. I yanked the knife up and out. The man then fell to his knees hands reaching for his wound attempting to stop the flow of his own blood as it gushed from him.  

"Hopefully this is enough motivation for the rest of you not to fuck up!" I walked up to another man and wiped the blood from my knife onto this shirt. I looked back over at the bleeding man who had completely collapsed  onto the floor now coughing and clutching his wound. My lip curled with disgust. "Get him out of my sight. Use your new found motivation and find her." The men nodded eagerly quickly going the the bloody man on the floor. 

 I exited the room and went into my temporary office slamming the door shut. Sitting down I resumed looking at the web footage from the hospital looking for some clue as to where Judith was headed. It was too bad none of these tapes had audio. My jaw ticked as my irritation grew, so far I had come up with nothing.  In my gut I knew though that she was still in Vegas. She was in love with that man and had a serious martyrdom complex. There was no way that she would just leave him to me as helpless as he was laying in that hospital bed. Judith was smart enough to know once security lapsed, once his fans stopped camping out infront of that hospital, as soon as the press lost interest I was coming for him. I felt my cell buzz in my pocket, absentmindedly I pulled it out and answered.


Silence from the other line.  "I said speak" Still nothing I paused the video right on a frame of Judith standing in Kwon's hospital room. Then looked down at the display on my phone. A new phone number I didn't recognize was displayed there. "My time is valuable so if you want something you better start talking." I said into the phone with a low tone.

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