Struggle (Kwon Jiyong)

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"Why do you continue to insist on trying to make me so damn miserable?"

She shrugged with a snobby look all over her face. "I don't know. You hurt me and maybe it's like they say, misery loves company."

I scoffed at this,"Ha, you have to have a heart to be miserable. I've never found yours. You're just a spoiled entitled brat that wants her way. You don't care about me, you never did. You just care about my status and the lifestyle I can provide you with. If I hurt anything its just your damn pride, your over inflated ego is bruised. So cut the bullshit Kiko, and stop trying to feed me those lies."

Her jaw dropped but then quickly snapped it shut as she composed herself by adjusting her dark hair. "Fine, whatever you say Ji but we are still getting back together. We are going to get married and I will be the woman who bears your childern."

I raised an eyebrow at her then shook my head and chuckled slightly my body shaking as I fell into full on laughter.

Her eyes narrowed on me as she watched my reaction and her arms folded over her cheast. "What?" She snapped.

I looked back at her angry face as my laughter calmed. "You've lost it."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" She spat as she glared at me.

My face grew serious as I marched towards her and she backed up quickly alarmed. "It means I think your crazy. You're crazy to think that I would ever marry you let alone let you be the mother of my children. " I stopped right in front of her as her back hit the door with a a thud. "It also means that I now know that I have been dealing with you entirely the wrong way. Talking only works with rational people."

She trembled as her palms splayed out against the closed door cowering before me. "If you hit me I will sue you!"

I got in her face anger making the veins in my neck throb. "All these years that you were with me and you still don't know me. I would never hit a woman but I will not bend to your fucking demands. You can't control me. So it seems we're at an impasse. Do what you gotta do." I turned away from her and began to walk back to the hospital bed waving her off. I was done with her shit. I was going to get my legal team and my security team deal with her from this moment on. "Get out." I reached out for my cell phone sitting on the table next to the bed.

I heard her take several deep breathes behind me as her footsteps rushed across the floor. She grasped the fabric of the arm of my t-shirt pulling hard as she spoke. "I'm not done talking to you!"

I turned staring hard at her fist clutching my shirt then at her. Shocked once more she let go slowly as if to not make any sudden movements but stood her ground. "I will publish them Ji....everything I know about you and her will be out in the open. I know you don't want that." Her voice was shrill as she made a snotty face.

I smirked, "Want? You have no idea what I want but let me educate you. What I want is for you to fuck off. I want you to stop trying to force something that isn't there. I am done with your shit. I am done with being threatened and shot at by someone's thug. I want Fabian Shelton to stay away from what's mine and to leave my girl alone! I want to be with the person I love! I am done hiding my love from the world. I am done listening to what everyone else says I should do with my life and I don't give a damn about my reputation anymore!" My body was rigid as my fists trembled my sides.

"Fabian Shelton?" she whispered a strange look came over her face. She reached up to cover her open mouth.

I froze, something was strange I felt it deep in my gut as I watched her. "You know him?!"

"Wha....umm....ahh...who?" She bit her bottom lip getting red lipstick on her teeth as she looked down fidgeting with her hands.

I grabbed her arms urgent now making her look up at me. "Fabian Shelton, do you know who he is? Better yet where he is?" I didn't notice I was shaking her until she stumbled and gasped. She looked afraid again. She must have thought that I was losing it as I let go straightened the sleeves on her uniform then looked deep into her eyes and asked with a very calm voice. "Kiko, do you know where I can find Fabian Shelton?"

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