Homecoming Game

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~1 week later~

Jordan POV

I nervously sat on the bench as someone knocked on the door.

EJ: Jordan? Can I come in?

I got up and opened the door.

EJ: you nervous?

Jordan; hella.

EJ: don't worry you'll be fine.

Jordan: but if we win this we go to the championship. If We don't win this everybody will be mad at me.

EJ: not everybody.

He smiled and kissed my cheek. Grabbing my hand. We walked outside with the team. We walked to the field and Instantly I saw Sam. She waved to me and I waved back. I mouthed "where's my mom?" She shrugged. She hasn't been to one of these games. And she promised she would be at this one. I understand she doesn't like me doing this but you should still support your child. Are record is 7-2. Won 7 lost 2. Boy I hope we win tonight. I walked over with the guys warming up. The guys on the other team stared. Talking about me. And how I'm a girl. I didn't pay them any mind it happens every game.

Coach: Jordan! Jacob!

We walked over to coach. He was in a deep thought.

Jacob: tails?

Coach: do heads tonight.

We nodded walking over to the middle of the field.

Jacob: heads.

The official flipped the coin. We all watched the coin fall to the ground. It was Heads. Me and Jacob walked off.

Jordan: heads.

Coach: catching!

Jordan: good luck.

Jacob smiled and ran off to his spot. EJ stood next to me watching the game. As there kicker kicked the ball I watched Jacob. He signaled for the ball and caught it quickly making a decision. He started running and got talked at the 50. That's pretty good for me.

Coach: offense!

EJ: good luck.

I smiled nervously and ran to the field with my helmet.

Jordan: ok first play draw play. Rick you hand me the ball im going to act like ima throw it to Jacob but pass it to Mario.

Team: break!

We clapped our hands and lined up.

Jordan: blue 44..... ready?.... 10...HIKE!

The ball flew into my hands and I quickly did a U to make it look like I was throwing it. I spotted Jacob and was about to throw it when Mario came towards me and I passed it to him. He started running. He made for a first down. I jogged up to the huddle.

Jordan: what you think Jacob?

Jacob: fake to Mario pass to one of the receivers?

Jordan: ok then. Run to the the 20.

Team: break!

We clapped our hands and lined up.

Jordan: blue 44..... Ready?....

I looked to my teammates and they nodded. I saw people cheering for the team and I smiled when I saw Sam screaming to the top of her lungs. I smiled then turned back around.

Jordan: 10... Hike!

The ball flew into my hands and I faked it to Mario. He faked grabbed it and ran with it. I looked at the reciveres. They all were defense well. I didn't wanna take that chance. I was looking for open people. Ugh nobody. Out the corner of my eye I saw someone charging for me. Mario made a space open for me and I took it. I ran threw the opening. I tried My best and got stopped after 10 yards. One person fell on me another on my foot. My bad foot. Ow! After they got off me I hopped up. My foot hurt alttile but not that badly.

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