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Jordan POV

I woke up this morning in EJ's arms. I smiled and kissed his arm. He didn't wake up. I layed there for a minute then Started playing with his fingers. He started to move around waking up. When he was woke he looked at the ceiling. I guess wondering where he was. He turned to me and smiled.

EJ: good morning.

Jordan: i have a doctors appointment today. To see i can get this thing off me.

EJ: I know. Then we're going to the game.

Jordan: I smiled and nodded.

EJ: babe I'm go home to change and everything then I'm meet you back here.

Jordan: oh ok. Bye.

He kissed my cheek and got up putting in his shirt and pants on with his shoes. That's when I realized he was sleeping with only his boxers on. No wonder I felt a pointy thingy on my butt and one point. That thing woke me up. I laughed alittle to myself the. He kissed me then leaved. I got up walking to my shower. I took a shower and put on my clothes. I went downstairs to eat while Jada-lee and dad was talking about her date.

Dad: you ready for your doctor trip?

Jordan: yup lets go.

We got into the car and he started driving. I texted EJ telling him I'm going to the doctors. When we got there we waited in the waiting area till my name was called. I walked back there with my dad. The doctor ran some test and I was clear! It was heeled. He took off the thing he had on it and I was free. When I e leaves the doctors office my dad dropped me off at EJ's house. His mother opened the door for me. She said hi to my dad and too knew upstairs to EJ's room. I walked in and he was at his desk.

Jordan; hey!

EJ: hey babe. Ready?

Jordan: yup lets go! I can not wait for this game!!

EJ: I bet you can't,

He grabbed my hand taking me downstairs to his car. We got in and he turned on the radio. I heard "Body Language" by Kid Ink. I went in. Me and EJ started singing while he drove. I recorded us putting it on snapchat. After a while we arrived at the stadium. We walked to the line. Getting everything check. After passing sercuty they checked out tickets and we went to our seat. The seat weren't bad at all. Once we got our seat we started talking about the game Tuesday.


I sat at home study. I mean I had nothing better to do... When Ray called my phone.

Sam; hello?

Ray; hey babe..

Sam: hi..

Ray: what are you doing?

Sam: studying.

Ray: Ard cool. I'm coming over

Sam: oh ok..

He hunged up and I went to tell my parents.

Sam: mom dad.. Ray is coming over.

Mom: ok sweetie.

I went back upstairs and waited till there was a knock on the door.

Sam: come in.

Ray: hey.

He came in and hugged me from behind kissing my cheek.

Sam: hey.

Jada- Lee POV

I was getting ready for my date with Jacob. I was extremely nervous. I really like Jacob. I'm hoping after this he'll want to be my boyfriend... I went downstairs seeing my dad chilling I laughed and sat next to him. Only to get right back up and get the door seeing Jacob.

Jacob: hey.

Jada-Lee: hey.

Jacob: ready?

I nodded and I waved to my dad leaving.


By now it was 3rd quarter and I was getting hungry. Jordan was so into the game. Screaming n shit.

EJ: babe Ima get us something to eat. What you want?

Jordan: some fries.

EJ: ok I'll be back.

I went to the food area getting fries a pretzel and nachos. Bringing it back to our seats. When Maddie saw me she helped me out with the food. She started eating her fries and took a bit of the pretzel. I ate my nachos and gave one to Jordan. She opened her mouth and I feed her. She ate it and smiled. I almost melted away in my chair. Her smile... It was close to 4th quarter and me and Jordan were still eating. When we finished eating 3rd quarter had haut ended. She got a pieces of gum and gave me one. We put it in our mouths at the same time. She laughed and I smiled. That laugh... That's when j heard the crowd cheering "kiss kiss kiss" that's when I looked at the screen trying to see who they were talking bout. And it was me and Jordan. Jordan wasn't paying attention I tapped her and she turned around.

Jordan: huh?

I kissed her. She was starlted but she kissed me back. The crowd "aww" and I put my forehead on hers.

EJ: we were on the kiss came..

Jacob POV

Me and Jada-Lee was having a great time. I'm going to ask her to be my girl by the end of this night. We were sharing a funnel cake right know. It's so good. She got powder on her face. She looked so cute. I wiped her face and she blushed in embarrassment. I smiled at her and we got up walking around.

Jada-Lee: OMG look at that teddy bear! It has peace signs on it.

Jacob: you want it?

Jada-Lee: yessss.

Jacob: ok.

I pulled out my wallet and gave the man a dollar to play the game. The game was to knock the thingy down. I had 3 changes. This should be easy. I threw the ball. 1 down, 2 down, 3 down.

Jacob: easy as pie.

He gave me the teddy bear and I gave it to Jada-Lee. She smiled and hugged me tightly.

Jada-Lee: OMG thank you thank you thank you!!!

I smiled and kissed her cheek. Oh lord did I just do that. She acted surprised and blushed. We went on a couple more rides then we got on the Ferris Wheel. While we on the ride we talked then we got to the top. She looked out into carnival and started at it. The wind moved her hair and the moon shinned on it. She looked perfect this is the perfect time..

Jacob: Jada... Can I ask you something?

Jada-Lee: yeah wassup?

Jacob: do you wanna be my girlfriend?


Jordan: best game ever!

EJ: yeah I can tell you liked it..

Jordan: loved it.

EJ: you ready to go home?

Jordan: yeah let's go.

We started to my car. She got in my car and I got in. We starts talking while I was driving. When we pulled up to her house I got out with her walking her to her door. It's know or never.. I grabbed her hand and kissed her.

EJ: Jordan..

Jordan: hmm?

She said looking for her key.

EJ: I love you..
What you think Jada-Lee going to say? What you think Jordan going to say back??? What you think going to happen at the game and court room? Sorry it took me so long. I be forgetting, tired or I got lots of homework😐😒 Comment! Vote! Love Yall!!! Stay Mindless!! Happy Birthday Prince!!! (Just re-remembered it was his birthday)

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