Skate Park

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Jordan's POV

I dialed the number quickly and put it to my ear. A lady answered the phone. Shit! Is this the wrong number.

??: hello?

Jordan: hi. I was looking for Mr. Carter.

??: DAD!

Oh that must have been his daughter. The whole reason why my parents spilt is because before I was born my dad messed around with some girl while married to my mom. after I was born he stopped but about 7-8 years later my dad got a call about his daughter. Basically saying how her mother died and his name was next on it. My dad didn't know about the baby Tho. He got checked and it was his. He brought her home and my mom wasn't happy. My mom wouldn't even let the girl live with us. She stayed with my grandma and my dad would sometimes stay with her. I never really meet his other daughter. But They argued all night everyday. Then eventually my mom and dad split and my connection with my dad was cut. That was a hard time for me too. I was about 8 when the divorce was final.

??: hello?

Jordan: Mr.Carter?

??: speaking. Who is this?

Jordan: Jordan..

There was a pause. A long one.

Dad: Jordane?

Jordan: pop?

Dad: Jordan!

Jordan: Dad!

Dad: who did you get my number?

Jordan: I found one of your letters.

Dad: oh. I would like to see you but you know how your mother is.

Jordan: that's what I wanted to talk to you about... See me and mom got into a argument and she kicked me out.

Dad: she kicked you out? But your only 17. She can't do that. I could really get her in trouble for that but I'm not.

Jordan: *mumbles* please do..

Dad: I heard you. *laughs*

Jordan: oh..

Dad: but your welcomed to stay with me.

Jordan: ok. Thanks pop.

Dad: no problem.

Jordan: what's your address?

My dad gave me his address and I realized he lived down the street from EJ. After getting off the phone with my dad. I wanted to cry. I can't believe I just talked to my dad. EJ drove to the skate park and we got out. I grabbed my skateboard and skated with EJ to the skating area. There was one peraon there a girl. I wasn't complaining. She was good tho. I got ready and warmed up my body then started doing some tricks. EJ started skating with me and we were having a great time. Then I bumped into that girl that was there. I helped her up and she thanked me. She stared at me for a while to. I was creeped out. But I looked at her face. It looked familiar like I have seen it before. Or similar to someone else's face I know. I stared at her harder as she did the same. EJ came over to us and I tapped out once I saw if weird look. She did do.

Jordan; Umm your really good.

??: yeah so are you.

Jordan: your new here?

??: yeah. I'm going to be going to That school right there.

She pointed to a school. I turned around and saw it was my school.

Jordan: oh We go there. I'm Jordan by the way.

??: Jada-lee.

We shook hands. I liked her name. It was different. We talked for a while then she had to leave. She was cool. We seed to have interest in things. Like a lot of stuff. I found it weird a cool.
Thoughts on Jada-lee? Something seems "different" about her...😏 Comment! Vote! Love yall! Stay Mindless!

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