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Jordan POV

I walked into school with Jada and Sam by my side. Many people waved to me and said hi. That's when I realized I'm getting popular. Which is weird for me. Since when did you see a tomboy popular? There normally the ones getting picked on the most. I went to my locker as Sam leaves with Ray and Jada was talking to Jacob. As I'm getting my stuff I heard a big ass mouth. Keisha's big ass mouth.

Keisha: I don't know what he see's in her. She has nothing on me. She dresses like a boy. She's a boy I bet she has a dick.

I knew she was talking about me. I wanted to drag her so bad. But I stopped myself. EJ's niceness is rubbing off on me. I sighed and looked down at my clothes. Do I really dress like I'm a dyke? Like I'm a boy? Maybe I should dress more girly since now I have a boy. But last time I did EJ got mad and said he liked the way I was. So I shouldn't change myself. But it bothered me alittle. I shocked it off and grabbed my math binder blocking Keisha out before I ruin my day. As I got my stuff I listen to over people's conversations. Jada-Lee and Jacob were right next to me. Jada was leaning on the lockers and Jacob was standing infront of her.

Jacob: so... Jay-Lee... I was thinking maybe you wanted to hang out sometime....

Jada looked shocked. She didn't know what to say. You can see it on her face.

Jada-Lee: like on a date?

Jacob: yeah.. There's a carnival in town and I wanna take someone special..

Jada blushed and nodded. Then they walked away. I closed my locker the saw EJ standing right behind my locker.

EJ: guess what..

Jordan: what?

EJ: I got us tickets to see LA play DC.

I smiled and hugged him. DC is one of my favorite basketball teams.

Jordan: omg thank you thank you thank you.

He smiled and hugged me back.

EJ: anything for you.

I smiled and hugged him again. Seeing Keisha storm off angry. We walked to homeroom.


After getting my apple juice I sat down at the table and everybody came over sitting near me. We started eating and talking.

Jordan: you guys going to practice?

EJ: we have too.

Jacob: championship is next Tuesday.

Ray: yo I forgot about that.

We talked about football for awhile then I got called to the office. I wondered what about. I got up and everyone watched me. As I'm walking I see the last person I wanted to see my mom. I quickly ran to the bathroom before anyone saw me. I called my dad right up.

Dad: hello?

Jordan: mom is here!

Dad: huh?

Jordan: mom is at my school.

Dad: oh... Well I can't come get you. Your going to have to see what she wants.

Jordan: ok.

I hunged up and yelled in frustration. I walked down to the office walking inside. My mom gave me a huge hug.

Mom: I'm so glad to see you.

I just nodded. She pulled me into the bathroom.

Mom: you found your dad didn't you!

She instantly yelled at me as son as the door closed. I nodded.

Mom: oh no this is not about to happen. Your my child. I'm taking you him to court.

Court? Df she meant court?

Jordan: court as in...?

Mom: full custody of you!

My eyes widen. She did not just say that.

Mom: come to my house after school.

She then Walked away. I washed my face and went to the stairs sitting there thinking about it. I never went back to lunch. The bell rung and I went to my locker then straight to class. Ignoring everyone who called me. I sat in my seat and did my bell work. Sam and Jada came rushing in sitting next to me.

Sam: you ok?

Jada: everything alright?

I nodded never taking my eyes off my bellwork. My phone vibrated like 20 times. I noticed they were from EJ and my dad. I didn't text them back. They can wait.


I went out to the field and picked up a football.

EJ: Jordan!

EJ ran to me. I threw the ball at him and he threw it backs

Jordan: I'm fine EJ.

I knew he was going to ask that. He nodded and looked down. Like he wanted to say something.

Jordan: you ok?

EJ: I got paired up with Keisha on a project...

He said quickly. I nodded. He gave me a weird look.

Jordan: what?

EJ: what no threats? Or anything??

Jordan: no. I trust you.

EJ: wow. Your way different I was expecting you to blow up. Get mad or something. I guess I'm just used to that..

Was I supposed to blow up. EJ's not that type. And even if he was he wouldn't do it with her cuz he can't stand her. Practice started and we went over some plays. I was ok I guess. But I was so unfocused. Everything about today was wrong. After practice I went to my dads house. Duck going to my moms house. I told dad and Jada everything that happened.

Dad: well if that's the way she want sit to be. Then on. I'm fighting for you your be under my full custody. There's no way I'm letting you live with her. Bye the way she treated duping over the years. Hell no.
I think war has begun between the parents😂 football season almost over😓 what yall thinkin about this project?? Think Keisha will try something?? I think this sucks. I did it in like 5 minutes. It's just something to updated. Love yall stay mindless!!

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