Your Deepest Fear?

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This is arguably one of the hardest questions ever... Do you know why? Well, it's because most people answer this not knowing what they're truly afraid yet their actions show it without them knowing and there are some who know the answer, but choose not to do anything to face that fear. Now some fears can help especially if you fear God in reverent way. But take for example the positives sides of having a fear, let's say you're afraid failing, so you do everything in your power to make sure succeed in whatever you're doing, but the negative is you'll never be able to learn if you don't experience failures or mistakes and the worst part is if you're fear takes over you, you'll do it whatever it takes to succeed even if you hurt those in your way. You see what I mean now? So what I'm saying is face your fears to get rid of the negative attributes and keep those positive attributes without having to be a slave to that fear. One of the my deepest fears is being inadequate... Now this acts as a double edged sword... You see I'll do everything to work my butt off to make sure that I did my best, but that's the problem my best won't ever be enough for me because I'll never see myself as being successful. Everyday I ask myself "Am I adequate for my friends?" "Am I worth their time?" Now I know it's really hard to face your deepest fears and I know, but I'm also trying my hardest to face it even if my best is doing little by little I can admit that it's the best I can do from day to day to face it. Writing is a way of coping for me since I have a hard time saying so here I am...

It's been while, but I hope I was able to help... :D

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