Pains of Mine

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This is more of a note for me so I don't forget so um, bear with me. First of all I've notice when I get physically strained it's the right side of my heart that hurts. Second, whenever I get emotionally strained which the most painful type of pain for me, it's the left side of my heart. Third, being mentally strained and losing control of my mind leads to my body being uncontrollable and I begin to have a violent shakedown with my own self to the point where I can't control what I do. Best case scenario when I lose my mind is I lose consciousness. Worst possibilty I get a seizure which physically strains me and it gets mixed with that. I can handle physical pain well as long as I cam control my mind, but the worst is emotional pain.  I can't handle this as well and it's the most painful out them all. It becomes life-threatening for me if I experience all three at the same time. Why did I write this? Just analyzing what I can so that I don't have to deal with the doctor and psychiatrist as much on the next checkup.

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