The Overlooked Pt. 1

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It was raining. And at the same time thunder was loud. Dad and I was in the loft, just sitting in the dark. But we heard the door open. "Derek?! Derek where are you?"

Dad stared at me and I gave him an approval to go to her. Dad went to the living room to go to Jennifer. "Right here" I heard my dad say.

"Something happened at the recital. At the school. And I need to tell you before you hear it, before you hear any of it from them" I heard Jennifer said, making me scoff a little.

"From who?" I heard my dad asked.

"Scott. Stiles. Your daughter. They're gonna tell you things. You have to trust me. Promise me you'll listen to me?" Jennifer begged. Once I heard the door open again, I knew it was my cue to enter the living room. Jennifer was looking at the entrance when Scott and Stiles entered.

"Did you really think a father won't believe their daughter?" I asked sternly and Jennifer was giving me a death glare.

"Right. So committing human sacrifices? Cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do it on my lunch hour and then get back to teaching high school English" Jennifer still continued to lie. I so badly want to rip her throat.

"Where's my dad?" Stiles asked, tears falling down his face.

"How should I know?" Jennifer lied and turned to look at my dad.

"Derek, tell me you don't believe this?" I rolled my eyes and walked to my dad, holding onto his hand.

"Sorry creep, can't defeat daddy's little wolf" I told her and she was starting to get angry.

"This is a ridiculous story. You can't prove anything" she said.

"What if we can?" Scott spoke up, holding a small jar full of ash.

"What is that?" Jennifer asked, getting worried.

"My boss told me it's a poison and a cure. Which means you can use it and it can be used against you" Scott explained opening the jar.

"Mistletoe" Jennifer gasped and Scott threw it at her. Dad and I stood back and the four of us saw Jennifer's true form. My dad was very mad and grabbed her throat, with his claws ready to kill her.

"What are you?" my dad asked angrily.

"Derek, you need me. I'm the only person who can save your sister. Your aunt" Jennifer stated, gasping for air. "Call Peter call him". I took my phone out and called Peter, and he informed me that Cora was coughing up black blood and with other substance. Mistletoe. I hung up on Peter and had to stop my dad kill Jennifer and he let go of her. "That's right. You need me. All of you" she smirked.


The five of us went to the hospital, with dad holding onto Jennifer's arm very tightly. What confused me though, Stiles was holding a bat. But I chose to ignore it. We were heading for the elevator but Melissa stopped us.

"Scott! Scott! What are you doing here? The hospital's evacuating."

"We're here for Cora" Scott replied.

"What, all of you?" Melissa asked, looking at all of us. "Why does Stiles have my bat?"

"Mom, just trust me on this. You need to get out of here. Right now" Scott told her.

"The building is supposed to be clear in 30 minutes. We've got two ambulances that are coming back. One's 10 minutes out, the other's 20. Cora needs to be on one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage."

"Got it." The five of us went to the elevator and Jennifer just kept on smirking.

"You don't have to keep me on a leash, Derek. I'm going to help" Jennifer said. We just kept on glaring at her and she rolled her eyes. The elevator reached the level of Cora's room but Cora wasn't here. Neither was Peter. But we did see black blood, and my wolf hearing heard fighting.

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