S2: Restraint

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Luna PoV
I got out of my dad's car. ''So, this is where you train your betas'' I stated as me and my dad went to an underground subway. 

''Yep'' my dad replied and kept walking. I stopped when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID.

''I got to take this'' I told him and I walked back to the car. ''Scott?''

''Stiles and I have trouble...we got a restraint order to stay away from Jackson''.

''You...You got what?!'' I exclaimed. ''How did you guys get a restraint order?''

''It's a long story but Stiles and I have no idea what to do now. Allison, she's now going to research more information about the kanima. Luna...I really don't know what to do now''.

''Luna''. I turned around and saw Isaac. ''Your dad wants you''.

''Hey Scott, I'll see you in school later, maybe we can talk there. Right now, I need to help my dad''.

''Okay, bye'' he said. I hung up and I went to go to my dad and I saw a lot of chains.

''Wow, that's a lot'' I stated.

''Luna, can I ask you something?'' my dad asked. ''Does Scott know who the kanima is?'' I looked at the ground before answering.

''No'' I lied, keeping my heartbeat beat steady.

''How about you? Do you know? Because you've been out lately'' Erica questioned.

''No, Erica, I don't know'' I lied again.


I was in the library with the boys, talking to Allison. She got Lydia to translate the Latin for us. Now we know about the kanima. Kind of. ''It's everything Lydia can translate. And trust me, she was very confused'' Allison said, handing us the tablet.

''Yeah, what'd you tell her?'' Scott asked.

''That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures'' Allison laughed a little.

''I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures'' Stiles said, making Allison stop laughing.

''O...oh. Great'' Allison stuttered making me roll my eyes.

''So, does it say how to find out who's controlling him?'' I questioned.

''Not really. But Stiles was right about the murderers.''

''Yes!'' Stiles quietly yelled.

''It calls the kanima a weapon of vengeance. There's a story in there about this South American priest who uses the kanima to execute murderers in his village-''

''Maybe it's not that bad'' Stiles interrupted Allison.

''Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to'' Allison finished.

''All bad, all very, very bad'' Stiles said.

''Here's the thing, though. The kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can't be-''

"Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it'' Scott finished as he read from the tablet.

''Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself'' Stiles said.

''What if it has something to do with his parents? His real parents?'' I suggested.

''Yeah, does anybody actually know what happened to them?'' Scott questioned.

''Lydia might'' Stiles replied.

''What if she doesn't know anything?''

''Erica knows'' I said. ''But if I ask her, she'll find out which will make her tell my dad. So I can't ask Erica''.

''Well, Jackson doesn't have a restraining order against me, so...'' I stopped listening to the conversation when I saw Matt leaving the library. I quickly left ignoring Scott, Stiles and Allison's calls. I stopped at a corner when Matt was at his locker. When he left his locker I went to it. I looked around to see no people were looking or no cameras. Luckily there were no people looking and no cameras. So I made one claw appear and opened Matt's lock. I couldn't find his camera at all or a tablet. It was just books.

'The last time I checked that's not your locker'' I heard a voice, making me jump. I turned around and I sighed in relief when I saw it was just Danny.

''Danny, I...please don't tell'' I pleaded.

''I won't. Because I've seen Matt angry once, not very pretty.'' I nodded and closed Matt's locker. Danny started to leave but I stopped him.

''Hey Danny, what to do you know about Matt?'' I asked him.

''Not much. All I know is that he loves taking pictures and is afraid of the swimming pool''. The last part got me.

''He's afraid of water?''

''Yeah. That's what everyone says.'' The bell rang. ''I got to go. Catch you around again Luna''. I nodded slightly and he left. I leaned against the lockers, thinking about what Danny had told me.

''Afraid of the water'' I repeated, quietly. 

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