S2: Raving

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Luna PoV
Me, my dad and Isaac arrived at the animal clinic since Scott called me to come over. ''You know, Scott only wanted me and you dad. Not Isaac''.

''Just knock'' my dad ordered. I knocked on the door and Scott opened it.

"What's he doing here?" Scott glared at Isaac.

''Told you'' I muttered to my dad and we walked in the clinic.

"I need him" my dad replied.

"I don't trust him".

"Yeah, well, I don't trust you either" Isaac rolled his eyes.

"Derek doesn't care" my dad said feeling annoyed. "Where's Deaton? Is he going to help us or not?"

"Depends". I saw Deaton leaning against the wall.  "Are you planning to kill Jackson, or save him?"

"Kill/save him" both dad and Scott answered.

"Save him" Scott looked at dad then back at Deaton. "Save him".


The five of us gathered around a table. Deaton put jars on the table and Isaac was about to touch one but I held his hand back. "Don't touch anything" I told him. He sighed and leaned on the table.

"So...are you some kind of witch?" Isaac asked.

"Oh my God" I mumbled.

"No. I'm a veterinarian" Deaton answered and Isaac nodded slowly. "Unfortunately, I don't see anything here to defend a powerful toxin".

"What about injections?" my dad asked.

"What about effective offense?" Isaac suggested.

"I tried" my dad told him. "I took nearly took its head off but everything just comes back up."

"Weaknesses?" Deaton questioned.

"Can't swim" I spoke up.

"Does that go for Jackson as well?"

"No" I spoke up. "He's the captain of the swim team".

"We're catching two people at the same time then" he said and went over to the drawer. Then he showed us a coin. "A puppet. And a puppeteer. One killed the husband, the other has to take care of the wife? Do you know why?"

"I don't think Jackson could do it" Scott sighed. "His mother died pregnant too and maybe murdered. I think he couldn't let the same thing happen to someone else".

"How do you know it's part of the rules?" Isaac asked. "The kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wife then baby dies too".

"Does that mean your father was murderer?" Scott questioned him.

"Wouldn't surprise me" he shrugged.

"Hold on" I said. "The book says they're bonded. Jackson isn't afraid of water but what if it's the master? If Jackson gets affected, the master also gets affected".

"Meaning what?" Isaac looked at me.

"Meaning we can catch them" I replied.


The next day, in school, I was at my locker and I heard Scott and Allison. "Sorry. I know you said we can't talk like this anymore" Allison said.

"What happened?"

"My dad knows about the last two murders. He knows that there are two killers and he and Gerard-"

"It's ok" Scott assured her. ''If he knows, fine. I'm actually worried about your-"

I stopped listening when I hear high heels clicking. The heels stopped and I heard a pencil break and a hear beating really angrily. I turned around and saw an angry red haired woman. "Victoria?" I gasped. "Scott" I widened my eyes.


Later that night, me, my dad and his betas went to a club where Jackson will be attacking. We all split up to find Jackson. But I don't care about Jackson. I'm worried about Scott because Victoria is somewhere here. I'm passing through a crowd to get to Scott real quick before Victoria gets to him. I stopped walking, when I heard a car door slam shut. "Careful gentlemen" I heard Gerard. "Something wicked will come".

"Derek" I heard Chris' voice. "Back off".

"Back off? You know Chris, I was expecting more from the big bad werewolf hunter" I heard my dad chuckle.

"Ok then. Didn't anyone tell you not to bring claws in a gun fight?" Chris asked and I heard guns being ready.

"Dad" I whispered. I quickly ran out to the back door of the club and I saw my dad being electrocuted by a hunter. ''Dad!'' I screamed. Feeling a bit angry, I transformed into my werewolf form, ran straight into the hunter hurting my dad and punched him, knocking him out of consciousness. I knelt down beside my dad and helped him out but I felt electricity run through my body. I yelled on pain and fell down on the ground.

''Luna'' I heard my dad say. I heard him growl and I heard him punch someone beside me. I didn't feel any electricity. ''Luna''. My dad helped me up. ''Let's go inside''. He took my hand but I pulled him back. ''Luna, we need to find Jackson before the hunters-''

''Victoria is going to kill Scott'' I cut him off.

''Ok, let's go''. My dad and I was going to go back in the club but the entrance had mountain ash around it. We can't get in now. The door opened and I saw Stiles, Erica, Isaac and Boyd coming out. "Stiles?''

"Luna, Derek. We lost Jackson inside" Stiles informed us. Then I heard Scott howling in pain.

"Scott" I widened my eyes. "Break it" I told Stiles, looking at the mountain ash.

"What?! No way!" He exclaimed.

"Do it! Scott's dying!" I cried.

"How'd you know?"

"I just do! Break it!" I demanded. Stiles sighed and broke the circle. My dad and I ran and entered the small building beside the club and I saw Victoria standing and Scott lying on the ground. My dad tackled Victoria while I helped Scott out.


My dad and I were watching Deaton healing Scott up. Once he was finished, I went over to Scott's side. He was sleeping, so I decided to caress his hair. ''Thanks Deaton'' I silently said. Deaton nodded and he left.

''Luna?'' Scott mumbled, and he was moving around slightly.

''Shh. I'm here'' I whispered. Scott nodded slightly and he went back to sleep peacefully, which made me smile a little.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now