S2: Frenemy

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Luna PoV

''Did you find him?'' I walked up to Scott who was at the back of the gay club, Jungle.

''No. I lost its scent''.

''It's not an 'it' Scott. It's still Jackson. And yeah I lost his scent as well. Actually I don't think he has a scent'' I stated and Scott nodded in agreement.

''Did you two find him?'' Stiles arrived.

''Nope. We lost his scent'' Scott shrugged.

''You know what I don't understand. How did Jackson pass my dad's test?'' I asked.

''I've been wondering about that too Luna'' Stiles replied. ''But Derek did say a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom. So when is the kanima not a kanima?''

''When it's Jackson'' Scott said. We were quiet for a few minutes. But when I looked up I gasped a little.

''Uh guys'' I whispered, pointing at the roof of Jungle.

''Yeah, Luna?'' they both looked at me. I was still pointing at the roof so they looked at the direction where I was pointing.

''Why would Jackson go here?'' Stiles asked and I smelt a familiar scent. I looked at the entrance with a line and I saw Danny.

''I know why'' I said as I watched Jackson going in the club.


The boys and I split up. I was trying to find Jackson while the two them try to find Danny. But it was hard to find Jackson now because the people are turning the lights off. So I glowed my eyes and looked around and I saw Jackson at the ceiling, crawling down slowly at the dance floor. I looked at the dancefloor and saw Danny dancing. But that's not what else I saw. I also saw red eyes, walking towards Jackson. ''Dad!'' I yelled. I don't think he heard me. The music just kept getting louder and louder. I went to dancefloor, pushing them away so that I could get to my dad. ''Dad!''

''Luna?!'' I sighed in relief that he heard me.


''Luna?!'' I kept pushing and pushing but they were now pushing me back.

''No don't!'' I heard Scott yell. All of a sudden people started to run and scream. Once I saw what they were screaming at; paralyzed bodies on the floor, including Danny, I started to look for my dad.

''Dad!'' I screamed again and I felt someone grab my arm and the person brought me to the backseat of a car. I finally felt relaxed when I was in my dad's car. Dad entered the driver's seat. He was still in his wolf form so I saw his claws were covered in blood. ''Why are your claws covered in blood?''

''I scratched the kanima's neck'' he replied making me stare at him in shock. ''It wasn't too deep. He's probably now in his human form, unconscious.'' My dad still doesn't know who the kanima is. And I'd rather keep it that way. My dad took a deep breath and he was back in his human form. ''Now, you young lady. Promise me that you will never go to a club ever again''.

''Huh?'' I raised an eyebrow.

''You're too young to go to a club. You're allowed when you're 21...actually scratch that, 25. Promise me?'' I looked at my dad confused and I nodded slowly. ''Good'' he said and started the engine and I heard him mutter something but I couldn't get the last part. ''We don't want you...like me and your mother''.

'What about you and mom?' I thought to myself.


The next day, I was walking to English class with Scott. He informed me that he found Jackson and Jackson is now with Stiles in the woods. ''So after school you and Allison will see Stiles and I will see you guys after I talk to Danny and we'll decide what to do with Jackson. Ok?''

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now