S2: Masterplan pt.2

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"Where's Derek?" Chris asked as I arrived at a warehouse and went to stand beside Scott and Isaac. I turned around and saw my dad making an entrance. He stopped running and stood up, showing them his red eyes.

"I'm here for Jackson, not you".

"Somehow I don't find that comforting" my dad shrugged. "Get him inside". The five of us walked in and Scott our the body bag on the ground.

"Where are Peter and Lydia?" Scott asked. My dad ignored him and opened the bag. "Woah, woah. I though you know how to save him".

"We're pass that".

"What about-"

"Think about it Scott! Gerard controls him now. He's turned Jackson into his own personal guard dog and set all of this in motion so that Jackson could get even bigger and more powerful!"

"No. He wouldn't do that" Chris said. "If Jackson's a dog? He's turning rabid and my father wouldn't let a rabid dog live".

"Of course not" I heard Gerard's voice. I turned to my right and saw him smirking. "Anything that dangerous, that out of control, is better off dead.'' All of a sudden, Jackson woke up, and stick his claws into my dad's chest and threw him away. I took a step back, and watched Jackson transform. ''Well done to the last, Scott. Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realize that you were also bringing Derek and Luna to me.'' I heard an arrow shoot. I quickly ducked and I heard Isaac grunt. I looked at Isaac and saw an arrow at his shoulder. I looked to see who shot the arrow.

''Allison?'' I whispered.

Chris started shooting at Jackson. I quickly ran to Isaac, helped him him up and took the arrow out. Isaac transformed, so did I. The two of us went to Scott who was also in his werewolf form. The three of us glared at the kanima. Then I heard a growl. I looked up and I sighed in relief when my dad was standing on his two feet.
The four of us were now circling the kanima. We all started attacking him.

My dad slashed the throat, making me kick the kanima's back. I was about to throw a punch, but the kanima grabbed my neck and threw me against the wall. When I stood up I saw the Kanima holding onto Allison's neck.

"Not yet sweetheart" Gerard smirked.

"What are you doing?" Allison asked.

"He's doing what he came here to do" I said. I looked at Scott and I nodded at him. He nodded back.

"Then you know" Gerard smirked at me and Scott.

"What's he talking about?" Allison looked at me and Scott.

"It was that night outside the hospital wasn't it? When I threatened your mother. I knew I saw something in your eyes. You could just smell it couldn't you?" Gerard smiled at Scott.

"He's dying" Isaac spoke up, figuring out what's wrong with Gerard.

"I am" Gerard nodded. "I have been for a while now, unfortunately science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet. But the supernatural does."

"You monster" Chris cried.

"Not yet."

"You'll kill her too?" Chris asked his father, pointing at Allison.

"When it comes to survival, I'd kill my own son! Scott." Scott looked at my dad and grabbed him.

"Scott, don't. You know that he's gonna kill me right after. He'll be an Alpha" my dad pleaded.

"That's true" Gerard nodded. "But I think he already knows that, don't you, Scott? He knows that the ultimate prize is Allison. Do this small task for me, and they can be together. You are the only piece that doesn't fit, Derek. And in case you haven't learned yet, there is just no competing with young love.

"Scott, don't!" my dad exclaimed. "Don't!"

"I'm sorry. But I have to". Scott walked up to Gerard, Gerard brought his arm to dad's fangs and I smiled when black started pouring down on Gerard's arm.

"What?" Gerard looked at his arm. "What is this? What did you do?"

"Everyone said Gerard always had a plan" Scott told them and I smiled. "I had a plan too."

"No. No" Gerard started panicking and pulled out his pills which turned out to be, "Mountain Ash!!" He fell down on his knees, blood was falling down on his face.

"That's disgusting" I muttered.

"Kill them! All of them!" Gerard demanded then he passed out. I looked at Jackson who let go of Allison. The kanima hissed but I saw Stiles' jeep drove in through the wall and hit Jackson.

"Did I get him?" Stiles asked. Jackson jumped on the hood making him and Lydia scream. Both of them got out of the jeep. Stiles ran to Scott side while Lydia just stayed.

"Jackson. Jackson!" Lydia yelled holding up a key. Jackson stared at the key and he was going back to normal. When he was half normal, Peter ran out from the hiding spot and ran towards Jackson and so did my dad. Both of them stabbed Jackson with their claws. Peter stood beside me again and Lydia hugged Jackson who died in her arms. Lydia stood up and was bawling her eyes out. However, we heard claws scratching on the ground. We all looked at Jackson who opened his eyes and they were blue. He's a werewolf now. Lydia gasped and ran to hug him tight. I looked at Stiles he looked upset. I walked over to him. "How do you deal with it?" Stiles asked and I know he's referring to Scott and Allison. I watched Scott walking towards Allison.

"I don't know. I just do" I shrugged.


Few days had passed. Allison and Scott had broke up permantely, and Scott and I had been hanging out a lot, as friends only. And I'd like to keep it that way. I'm not ready to tell him how I feel. And what if he doesn't feel the same way?

Jackson went to London and everyone was so shocked when they found out Jackson was still alive. And Erica and Boyd, well they're gone. I don't where they are now.

Right now I'm staring at the door of the house. I felt Isaac, my dad and Peter's presence. ''What is this?'' Isaac asked.

''An aplha symbol'' I whispered. ''Dad, what is this?'' I asked and he looked at the ground.

''Let's just say Luna, that we all haven't been completely honest with you'' Peter said and I looked at him confused. ''Let me tell you this though. Why do you think Derek was in such a hurry to build his pack? So eager to strengthen his power and his number? When there's a new Alpha, people take notice. Like you said, that's their symbol. And it means they're coming.''

''Who?'' Isaac asked.

''Alphas'' my dad replied.

''More than one?''

''A pack of them.''

'' An Alpha pack. And they're not coming. They're already here. And Luna, soon you'll find out the truth'' Peter. said.

''Truth?'' I gave him a confused look.

''The truth about your mo-" Peter said.

''Isaac, take Luna for a walk'' my dad ordered, interrupting Peter.

''Dad, I don't get it''.

''Luna, please. I need to talk to my dear uncle. Alone''. Isaac and I started to walk. I turned back around and saw my dad and Peter entering the house and closed the door.

"Luna let's go?" Isaac asked. I nodded slightly and Isaac and I took a walk. I couldn't get over what Peter told me.

'What truth?' I thought.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now