S2: Venomous

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Luna PoV
I was with my dad, waiting for Isaac and Erica to bring Jackson, to check if he's the monster, or kanima as Scott had informed us when he found the bestiary. The kanima is actually a snake man not a lizard man. Apparently last night, the kanima attacked my dad and Stiles at the swimming pool in school when lacrosse was over. And my dad have two suspects; Lydia and Jackson. But I really don't think it's Lydia. I think it's just Jackson.

The door opened, Erica and Isaac entered and was holding onto Jackson. My dad stood up from the couch and walked closer to them. ''What happened at the full moon?'' my dad asked.

''What? Nothing happened'' Jackson said and I could hear his heartbeat beating fast. Danny must have told him about the missing footage and now Jackson's scared that he might actaully be the monster we're all trying to kill.

''You're lying'' my dad said and began to put a glove on.

''No, I can prove it. I taped myself'' Jackson stated, making Erica, Isaac and my dad laugh.

''You taped yourself?'' Isaac repeated.

''Yeah'' Jackson nodded. ''Luna, even knows it. She watched the video. Right Luna? Nothing happened right?'' Jackson looked at me with pleading eyes, hoping that I won't say anything about the missing footage.

''Is that true Luna?'' my dad asked me. I looked at my dad, then at Jackson, then back at my dad. I just stayed quiet. ''Well, I guess that settles it'' my dad sighed, pullling out a the small glass. ''Everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom''. My dad put the substance into Jackson's mouth. Erica and Isaac dropped Jackson on the floor and the four of us watched him if anything will change and nothing happened. Jackson was just paralyzed.

'Then why would Matt, if it was Matt, steal the footage? A footage of Jackson just sleeping?' I thought to myself.

''You're still a snake Jackson. But you're not the snake we're looking for'' my dad said and walked upstairs. Erica and Isaac grabbed Jackson again and they left the house. I was still sitting in silence wondering why there was a footage missing. But Jackson failed the test, which means the person that's actually the kanima is Lydia. It doesn't seem right though. Something isn't right.


I was at my locker and as I was taking my books out I could feel someone glaring at me. I turned slighty and Matt was at the corner. ''Why is he glaring at me?'' I asked myself, quietly.

''Who's glaring at you?'' Isaac asked standing by my left side while Erica was at my right.

''No one'' I lied.

''Is it him?'' Erica asked, looking at Matt. ''Because sweetie, we could beat him up for you''.

''First, know one is beating up anyone and seond, why are you two here?''

''Since you don't have classes with Lydia at all and you don't take chemistry, we are giving the venom to her at that class." Isaac replied. ''We will see if Lydia is or is not the kanima''.

''Please don't hurt her'' I pleaded.

''No promises'' Erica said and they left. I closed my locker and walked to math but he still kept glaring at me as I walked into my math class. There is something wrong with that photographer.


It was lunch time. I walked into the closet where Stiles, Scott and Allison were waiting for me. Apparently Lyida failed the test. My dad is now convinced that she's the kanima. "Dad's outside waiting for Lydia" I said.

"Waiting to kill her?" Allison asked.

"If he thinks she's the kanima, then yes, especially after what happened at the pool" Scott replied.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now