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Luna PoV

It's full moon today and right now I'm heading to Scott's house so that I could keep an eye on Scott with Stiles' help. I don't want to help because Scott put the blame on my dad after what happened at school, but Stiles kept begging me because he didn't want wolf Scott to rip his head off. Once I reached Scott's house, I pressed the doorbell and a woman, I'm guessing Scott's mom, opened the door and she was dressed in a nurse uniform. ''Hi, I don't we've met'' she greeted with a smile.

''No, we haven't. I'm Luna Hale. I'm here for a study group with Scott and Stiles''.

''Oh you're Luna'' she said. ''My son informed me a lot about you.''

Did he now? I thought, smiling a little.

''And yeah, Stiles told me that you three were going to have a study session. Stiles is upstairs, Scott isn't home. And I need to go now. I don't want to be late for work'' she told me and laughed a little.

''Oh, I don't want you to be late'' I replied.

''Anyways, it was nice meeting you Luna. And I hope one day we can meet again'' she said and quickly left. I went in and closed the door. I went upstairs and I didn't know where Scott's room was but there was only one door closed, so I'm guessing that's his room.

''Stiles?'' I knocked on the door softly. The door opened, revealing Stiles' face. 

''Come on in, Luna''. Stiles opened the door widely and I walked in and I saw Scott handcuffed to a radiator.

''Did you-''

''Yes'' Stiles said.


''He made out with Lydia! Oh God! Good luck with him!'' Stiles yelled and left the room, leaving me with Scott. 

''Luna, please help me. I'm fine'' Scott pleaded and I could notice his were getting watery. ''You've got to understand me.''

''Why did you kiss Lydia? You know Stiles have a crush on her'' I reminded him. 

''It wasn't me. I was me. But I wasn't thinking clearly because of the moon. And Allison broke up with me'' he informed me and I looked at him in shock. ''Luna, please.'' I was about to walk towards him but light was shining on him. I looked out the window and saw the moon. ''No, no, no'' Scott started to panic. 

''Scott calm down.'' I went to him and took the handcuffs off and Scott began to walk up and down his room. ''Scott? Scott, calm down. Fight this Scott''. He wasn't listening. He had his ears cover from his hands and he was screaming. Then all of a sudden he was in his wolf form. He was growling and he looked at me. He was just standing there, staring at me. ''Scott?'' I took one step and he quickly ran and jumped out the window. ''Scott?!'' I called out to him but he was already gone. I took a deep breath and felt myself transform. 

''Luna? What happened?'' I heard Stiles ask, but I ignored him and jumped out the window and began to follow Scott's scent.


I stopped running when I arrived at a parking lot. I was looking around to find Scott and I found him on a car and he was about to destroy the roof. I was about to stop him, but I saw my dad beat me to it. I transformed back to my human form and went over to them. ''What happened?'' I asked my dad who lifted an unconscious human Scott. 

''Just, help me'' my dad sighed. I carried Scott by his right side while my dad was on the left. 


My dad and I entered Scott's room and we put Scott his bed. ''I need to get something, Watch him'' my dad said, leaving the room. I looked at Scott and he was still unconscious. I went near to his and slowly sat down on the bed. And I couldn't help myself but to play with his hair. Then his head started to move, making me stop. ''Allison?'' he mumbled. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I looked down at him again and he began to open his eyes. ''Luna?'' he breathed out when he saw me. ''I lost control again, didn't I?'' he asked, sitting up, and I nodded. ''I hate this. I hate being a werewolf. If I am, I can't be with Allison...''

Why is it always Allison? Scott I'm here. I know what you're going through.



''I asked, if there's a cure to this?'' I was about to reply no, but my dad walked in saying yes.

''There is'' my dad said. I stared at him confused. 

''What is it?'' Scott asked.

''You have to kill the one who bit you'' my dad simply told him. 

What is my dad up to?

''Scott. If you help me find the Alpha, I'll help you kill him'' my dad finished making me understand why he just did that. I shook my head and left Scott's house, ignoring their calls. 

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now