3A: Tattoo

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Luna PoV

Summer is over. Today is first day back to school. It's been 4 months since I turned 16. I got my driver's licence, but my dad, being protective as always, won't let me get my own car. Worse. He won't even let me drive when I passed the test and got the licence. Also, Scott, Stiles and I hung out a lot during the summer, I learned a lot about them. Stiles really loves Star Wars. And Scott, if Stiles isn't free, Scott and I go to our secret hideout that he showed me for my sweet 16. Scott and I got really close. Like really close. But we're not dating hough. We are just close friends. Finally, Allison moved to France. Let's not get my hopes up. She probably might return. We're friends but after what happened with her mother, I'd rather just ignore her. That's all the good things that happened in my summer.

However, there were also bad things. Dad, Peter and Isaac kept looking for the alpha pack non stop because of Erica and Boyd. Peter's saying that their dead and that we should just stop looking and start training. Isaac and my dad won't give. Isaac is out somewhere right now, looking for them. That's all that happened in the summer. Now, I have to go to school.

I walked downstairs, and I saw my dad still painting the door since the alpha mark was still seen. Since he wasn't looking, I was tiptoeing over to the living room table to get his car key, but someone ratted me out. ''Derek, Luna's taking your car key'' Peter said. I turned around and glared at him. He gave me one of his fake smile.

''Luna, I told you, you can't drive'' my dad said, walking towards me.

''Dad I'm 16. I also passed the test. Please let me drive''.


''Can I just at least drive to school only?'' I whined.

''No, means, no'' my dad sighed, grabbing the key out of my hand. ''Now, you don't want to be late to your first day back of school'' he smirked. He grabbed a jacket and left the house with me following behind him.


My dad pulled up the car in front of the school. I looked out the window and saw my classmates have their own cars even motorbikes. ''See, even my classmates have their own vehicle. Dad, please let me drive.'' He scoffed and shook his head. ''What do you have against me driving?''

''Because...'' he paused making me raise an eyebrow. ''Just to get to class'' he said. I rolled my eyes and left the car. I walked into the school and I smiled when I saw Scott at his locker. I ran over to him and greeted him with a wide smile.

''Hi Scott''

''Hi Luna'' he smiled back and we just kept staring at each other, not saying a word.

''Uh...hello'' someone waved their hand between our faces. ''Stiles is also here''. I looked at Stiles and gave him a small smile.

''Oh, hey Stiles'' I greeted him.

''So, Luna, apparently Scott here, wants a tattoo. He got one yesterday but-''

''It healed'' I finished his sentence. ''Scott, you can't go to a real tattoo artist to get one'' I said. ''There's a special way to get one'' I informed him.

''How?'' Scott asked. I was about to answer but the bell rang.

''I'll tell you later. Now, we have to go to English'' I said. The boys and I went to English class. I took a seat, Scott sat behind me while Stiles sat beside him. Lydia came in, she sat beside Stiles. And another person came up and I did not expect that person. Allison sat down at the chair, behind Lydia. ''Allison's back?'' I whispered to Scott, turning around to look at him.

''I may have forgot mention that Stiles and I saw her with Lydia yesterday'' Scott whispered. I rolled my eyes and faced the board and all of a sudden my phone beeped. Scratch that. Every single phone beeped. I opened my phone and read a text. And I heard a woman reading the text.

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway", leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness". Once the woman was done reading, I looked up and I saw, I guess the new English teacher. "This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in this class. Phones off, everyone." I leaned back my chair.

''How did she get our numbers?'' I muttered, quietly, only Scott heard.

''I don't know'' Scott mumbled. I nodded and started writing notes that the teacher had started to write on the board.


We were all writing but then the principle entered asking for Scott to leave due to an emergency. I decided to use my wolf hearing to eavesdrop. "I'm sure it's an emergency if your mother needs you to leave school, but I'm gonna give you a warning in the nicest possible way. I am well aware of your attendance record. I don't wanna see you slip back into old habits."

"I won't. It's gonna be different this year."

"Resolutions are only good if you stick with them, Scott."

"I will. I promise it won't be ephemeral".

"Ephemeral?" I muttered and smiled slightly. "He's been doing his reading". Once I heard the two of them left I heard Stiles ask Lydia, "Lydia is that a bite mark?"

"Prada bit me" Lydia answered.

"Your dog?" Stiles asked.

"No, my designer bag" she sarcastically said. "Yes my dog".

"Oh my God!" I heard one our classmate say. I looked up, she was looking out the window and a lot of birds were flying towards our class. We all ducked down when the birds came flying in like...they're scared of something. When it was finished we all stood up. Only one thing that makes them do this.

"Alphas" I muttered quietly.


School was over, Stiles and I entered my house. I saw my dad and Scott sitting down on the couch. ''How's Isaac?'' I asked my dad. My dad texted me that Isaac was in the hospital, and was nearly taken by the alpha pack.

''He's resting'' my dad said, standing up and got a fire torch.

''What's up with the fire torch?'' Stiles asked, confused.

''That's the way to get the tattoo'' I replied and Stiles widened my eyes.

''Oh my God'' he said.

''Luna, hold him down'' my dad ordered. I walked up behind Scott and held him down. Once my dad put the fire torch on Scott's skin, Scott screamed and all of a sudden he passed out. My dad was making Scott's tattoo; two bands.


Scott had woke up. He looked at his arm and he smiled. ''It worked. Thanks Derek''. my dad nodded and went to check up on Isaac. ''Right, I guess Stiles and I shall go now. Bye Luna''.

"Bye guys" i said. They both started to leave, however, Scott stopped as he stared at the newly painted door.

''Why'd you paint the door?'' Scott asked. I turned around and my dad slowly walked away from Isaac.

''Go home Scott'' my dad told him. I looked back at Scott and he had his claws out and started scratching the door and he saw the alpha mark.

''The birds at school and the deer last night... just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha'' Scott stated and I saw the realisation hit him. ''How many are there?''

''A pack of them'' my dad sighed. ''An Alpha pack.''

''All of them? How does that even work?'' Stiles questioned.

''I hear there's some kind of a leader. He's called Deucalion'' my dad started explaining.

''We know they have Boyd and Erica'' I continued. ''Peter, Isaac, and my dad have been looking for him for the last four months.'' When I said that Scott gave me his sad look. He shook his head and walked closer.

''Let's say you find them. How do you deal with an Alpha pack?'' Scott asked.

''With all the help I can get'' my dad shrugged.

''Where is she?'' I heard Isaac's voice. I turned and saw him on his two feet. ''Where's the girl?''

''What girl?'' I asked, confused.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now