S2: Party Guessed

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Luna PoV
I was in Lydia's house with Scott, Stiles and Allison because today is Lydia's birthday. But this isn't even a party at all. "You know, I expected more people to come to Lydia birthday party" I told Scott and Stiles. Stiles glared at me. "I wouldn't blame them. She is the town's wack job". Stiles glared at me again when I said that. "Sorry. So anything new you found?"

"Figured it has to something with water. Victims are from the swim team and the way kanima reacted with the swimming pool".

'So it really is Matt then. He's controlling Jackson and he's afraid of water' I thought.

"So whoever's controlling the kanima really hates the swim team" Scott stated.

"It's Matt" I shrugged.

"Matt?" Scott gave me a questioning look.

"Even Luna thinks it's Matt as well" Stiles smiled. "Why do you think it's Matt?"

"Please don't give me the answer because he looks evil" Scott said glaring at Stiles. I looked at them confused and gave them my reason. I explained them what I've been doing the past few days. "You've been investigating Matt all by yourself? Luna are you crazy?" Scott gasped.

"Yeah" Stiles nodded in agreement. "I can't believe you didn't tell us. We're your Batman and Robin Luna". I looked at Stiles confused.

"What I was about to say was, you could have gotten hurt. What if Matt saw you looking over his stuff? Or caught you when you went to his house?"

"You're starting to sound like my dad" I told Scott. "But will you relax.  I'm fine. I didn't get caught or whatsoever".

"Hey guys" Allison came in front of us. "Jackson isn't here".

"No one's here" Stiles stated.

"Maybe we're just early" Scott shrugged.

"No" I shook my head. "Nobody is coming because she's the town's wack job".

"We have to do something" Allison sighed.  "We've ignored her for the past two weeks".

"She ignored Stiles for the past 10 years" Scott said.

"I think of it as I'm not I'm her radar yet" Stiles said.

"What about the chance of being normal?" Allison asked.

"Normal?" I raised an eyebrow.

"She wouldn't be the town's wack job if it wasn't for us".

"I guess I could use my co-captain skills to get the lacrosse tram here" Scott replied.

"Yeah and I know people that could get this going. Really going" Stiles said pulling his phone out.

"Who?" I questioned confused.

"I met them the other night. Let's just say they know how to party".


Now this is a party. People chatting, drinking . "Are you going to apologise to Allison?" Stiles asked Scott making me look at them both.

"Why?" Scott asked.

"Because you're the guy. It's what we do" Stiles explained. I suddenly felt a pain in my head. I put my right hand on my forehead.

"Woah Luna, are you ok?" Scott asked worriedly.

"Yeah" I lied. "I think...I need to go to the bathroom" I sighed and left them, feeling dizzy a bit.

Scott PoV
I watched Luna leave. She looks like she's going to pass out. "Seriously I can't take it" I heard Stiles say beside me.

"Can't take what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, don't tell Luna I told you but she likes." I looked at Stiles with wide eyes. "Yeah. I found out the day you and Allison got back together. So what do you think?"

"I..." I paused when I saw Jackson entering. "Jackson is here" I told Stiles and we both looked at him.

Luna PoV
"Hi Luna" Lydia stood beside me holding a tray of drinks. "You look stress. Here" she did giving me a drink. "Enjoy" she smiled and left. I was about to drink it but didn't when I saw something familiar. I looked at the drink and wolfsbane was in it.

"Why does Lydia have wolfsbane?" I whispered. "If she's giving drinks to everyone...Scott".


I was inside the house trying to look for Scott. I found him at the stairs. "Scott!" I ran towards him.

"Kanima...Allison" he mumbled.

"It's not real" I told him. "It's not. Scott snap out of it" I said. He blinked and sighed.

"Luna?" I nodded.

"Lydia put wolfsbane in all of the drinks" I informed him and he looked shocked. "We to find Jackson".


Scott and I split up. I was trying to find Lydia while Scott was trying to find Jackson. I was at my house since this is where Lydia'a scent led me to. When I entered the house I saw my dad unconscious and Deaton beside him. "Dad?" I whispered and knelt down beside Deaton. "What happened?!" I asked.

"Let's just say a friend of yours brought a relative back to life" Deaton replied. I quickly ran down to the basement and the body wasn't there. Peter's body was gone.

"Shit" I muttered.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now