Magic Bullet

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Luna PoV
I woke up from my alarm. I got up and the first thing I smelt was blood. I ran out of my room and ran down to the living room where I saw my dad's left arm was covered in blood. ''Dad?'' I said softly. He turned around and he looked like he's going to pass out.

Scott PoV
I was in English class and I was trying to find Luna. ''Stiles, where's Luna?'' I asked.

''I have no idea'' he replied, behind me. ''Speaking about the Hales, if Derek isn't the alpha, then who is? Who bit you?''

''I don't know'' I shrugged, still wondering where Luna is.

''Did the alpha kill the bus driver?''

''I don't know''.

''Does Allison's dad know about-''

''I don't know!'' I yelled, looking at Scott and I saw everyone was now looking. ''Sorry'' I muttered. Then the teacher walked by and handed me my test back. I sighed in disappointment when I saw it was a D-.

''Dude, you need to study more'' Stiles stated the obvious. ''It was a joke. Scott, it was one test. Do you want me to help you?''

''Nah. I'm studying with Allison after school''.

''That's my boy''.

''We're just studying, Stiles. Please stop'' I pleaded and he stopped talking. Where is Luna? I thought.


I was at the parking lot of the school, unchaining my bike. Suddenly a hand was place on my back making me jump around. ''Luna''.

''I need your help'' she sighed.

Luna PoV
Scott and I went behind a tree and Scott saw my dad was bleeding to death. ''He's not healing?'' Scott asked.

''No. I don't know what to do'' I replied, panicking a little.

''Okay. I'm texting Stiles right now to bring his jeep here, so he can bring you to my work. Because trust me, my boss knows a lot about this'' he said.

''Wait, Stiles? Where will you be?'' I asked him curiously.


''Let me guess, Allison? It's fine Scott.'' I heard a car honk. I turned around and saw Stiles' jeep. Scott helped me to get my dad inside.

''Luna, I promise, I will come as quick as possible'' Scott said.

''Yeah, whatever'' I said. ''Go to your date''. Scott was about to leave, but dad quickly sat up, but he groaned. ''Woah, dad slow down'' I said, helping him sit up properly.

''Scott, I need you to find that bullet'' dad ordered.

''Okay'' Scott nodded and he left.

''Wait, what bullet?'' I questioned.

''Unbelievable'' Stiles sighed. ''You didn't tell your daughter, you got shot by a hunter?''

''You got shot by hunter?'' I asked my dad. ''When was this? Dad you told me you got this from helping Scott in training''

'That's part is true. But then during Scott's training hunters came'' Stiles truthfully told me and dad slammed Stiles' head on his wheel.

''Dad, why didn't you tell me you got shot by a hunter?''

''Sorry. I didn't want you to worry'' dad sighed.

''More like mad now. Because who knows. The hunter that shot you probably used wolfsbane bullet and that's why you're not healing'' I growled, feeling my eyes glow, but I managed to keep control again.


We were at Scott's work. Stiles was texting Scott on the phone, while I was holding my dad's hand, trying to take some pain away. ''Luna...that's too much. You need to stop'' dad whispered.

''I don't care'' I said. ''I'd rather take the pain and not lose you''.

''Okay, okay, Scott found the bullet'' Stiles said. ''Does Nordic blue monkshood, sound familiar?'' Stiles asked, making me shake my head. I was right.

''That's a rare type of wolfsbane'' I sighed. ''Stiles, tell Scott to bring the bullet''.


''Because my dad's going to die without it''. I looked back at my dad and his eyes were starting to close. ''Dad, keep your eyes open. Please'' I begged. ''Okay, Stiles keep an eye on him'' I said, walking over to the cabinets, trying to look for a knife. Once I found a knife I went back to my dad.

''Okay, Luna, what are you doing?'' Stiles asked.

''Dad take your shirt off'' I ordered my dad gently.

''Luna!'' Stiles yelled at me.
"What are you doing?"

''If Scott doesn't arrive in time, I have to cut off his arm'' I informed Stiles and he looked grossed out. I looked at my dad's bleeding arm. Then I started to feel dizzy. I feel like I was going to faint. I think I took too much pain from my dad. I put my hands on my forehead and I could feel my dad's eyes on me.

''I told you not to take the pain away''.

''I'm fine'' I replied, removing my hands from my head. ''Stiles you do it'' I demanded, handing him the knife.

''What? No. I mean...what if you bleed to death?'' Stiles looked at Dad.

''It will heal if it works'' dad told him.

''Look'' Stiles gasped. ''I don't think I can do this?''

''Why not?'' I asked, starting to get a little angry.

''Because...I'm cutting an arm and...'' Stiles paused making me realise something.

''Are you afraid at the sight of blood?'' me and my dad asked simultaneously.

''No'' Stiles scoffed. ''But I'm afraid of a chopped arm.''

''If you don't chop off the arm, I will cut off your head'' I threatened Stiles.

'I can see how you two are related. But seriously, I'm not buying your threats and-'' Stiles was cut off when my dad weakly grabbed Stiles by his shirt. And a few seconds later, my dad vomited blood out.

''Stiles you've got to do it, please!'' I begged.

''Ok, I'll do it'' Stiles finally said yes. Dad placed his arm on the table and Stiles was about to start cutting but we heard Scott's voice.

''Stiles? Luna?''

''Scott?'' I turned around and I saw him entering and he had his mouth wide open when he saw what we were about to do.

''What the hell are you doing?!''

''Oh you just prevented lifetime nightmares'' Stiles sighed in relief, making me roll my eyes.

''Did you get the bullet'' I asked, still panicking. Scott nodded and handed me the bullet. I turned back to face my dad and he fainted. ''Dad? Scott, Stiles wake him up for me please'' I said, trying to find a lighter.

''How?'' they both asked, making me roll my eyes.

''Punch him'' I suggested. Once I found a lighter, I saw Scott and Stiles putting my dad on the table. I opened the bullet, took the gun powder out and set it in flames. Then I put it on to my dad's bleeding arm.

''Ahh!'' dad screamed, making me hold onto his hand tightly.

''Come on dad'' I whispered. I looked at his arm and it healed. I sighed in relief, finally calming down a little. However, my head still hurts. I put my hands back on my forehead and the boys' voices were starting to faint. The next thing I knew, everything went black.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now