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Luna PoV
I was in my room, doing homework, while listening to music. ''Can I come in?'' I heard my dad's voice from outside the room. He finally came back from a hunt. A hunt for the alpha.

''I don't know'' I said. ''Did you find the alpha? Kill him? And do you now have red eyes?'' I questioned.

''Luna'' I heard him sigh. I rolled my eyes, closed my copies and books and turned my music off.

''Come in''. My door opened and he walked in.

''I know you're mad-''

''Damn right I am'' I told him.

''That's the only way to get Scott to help us''.

''By lying to him. Telling him there's a cure? Dad you know how hard this is for him. And killing the alpha so you could get more power? If Aunt Laura was here she'd murder you right now''.

''That power belonged to the family first. It clearly does not belong to that monster.''

''The power also doesn't belong people who lie'' I added. ''It belongs to people who's true to themselves.''

''Whatever. I thought my daughter would be on my side. But clearly she isn't. Just go to bed. You have school tomorrow'' he said, left my room and closed the door with a slight bang.

I was in the living room, colouring a homework assignment with the help of my aunt Laura. ''Aunt Laura, I have a question'' I said.

''What is it my dear niece?''

''Why are dad eyes blue? While the rest of you guys have yellow or red?''

''Well red means you're an alpha, yellow eyes are the most common if you're bitten or by birth and blue, you get them when you take a life of an innocent''.

''Dad took the life of an innocent?'' I questioned.

''Laura?'' my aunt and I turend around and saw my dad.

''Luna, why don't go take a break and go play in the garden?'' my aunt suggested. I nodded and left them. When I went outside, I then began to hear yelling from the inside. I covered my ears and began to hum a music that my aunt Laura always do.

''You also promised me that you won't kill anyone else'' I muttered quietly to myself. I closed my lights and went to sleep.


I entered the school. I stopped walking though when I saw Jackson at my locker, talking to Scott. I decided to listen. ''I know what you are'' Jackson said and I widened my eyes. ''However it is you came to be what you are, you're going to get for me too?''

''Get what?'' Scott asked.

''A bite, a scratch, sniffing fairy dust under the moon light. I don't care. You're going to get it for me or else...'' Jackson made Scott turn his face around to look at Allison.

''Dad, how did you scare this boy?'' I asked uder my breath. Jackson walked away and I saw Scott was looking at me with a face saying 'help'.


It was lunch. I saw Jackson sitting alone. ''Luna, you don't have to do this'' Scott said.

''Well, if he knows our secret, I have to talk to him'' I told him. I walked away and went to Jackson's table. ''Hey Jackson'' I greeted.

''Luna Hale. Just the person I wanted to talk to''.

''I had a feeling'' I said. ''I mean...you do?'' I corrected.

''Yeah, and the answer is yes''.

''You don't know what I'm going to say''.

''You're here to ask me to not spill the secret about you and Scott being werewolves. The answer is yes''. I looked at Jackson with wide eyes. ''If...''


''If you get your dad to bite me''.

''What if I say no?'' I asked him.

''Then...'' he paused leaning closer to my face, making me back up a little. ''Your secret, about you liking McCall will be out'' he whispered quietly. I looked at Scott's table he was busy talking to Stiles. ''Especially the secret about you two being werewolves.''

''I dont care about you telling everyone about me liking Scott'' I said quietly. ''But me and Scott being werewolves...no one will believe you. You have no proof...ah!'' I yelled, when he cut my skin with a knife. I looked down and I watched it heal. Luckily no one saw, but I think Scott has a feeling what Jackson just did. Scott was looking at mine and Jackson's table now.

''Fine. I'll ask my dad to give you the bite'' I whispered to him.

''That wasn't hard was it?'' he smirked. I rolled my eyes and left. I was about to head to my next class, but someone grabbed my hand. I saw it was Scott.

''Well...is he going to say anything?'' he asked.

''No'' I replied, giving him a small smile. He smiled back, and I could hear my heartbeat beating fast. All of a sudden Scott's smile fell down making me confused.

''Your heartbeat, it's beating fast. You sure he said no?''

''Yeah. I guess it's just...'' I don't know what to say to him. ''I'm just super happy that Jackson said no'' I told him. He smiled again making my heartbeat really fast. ''See you around Scott' I said and quickly left.


I was walking home. Dad couldn't pick me up, he told me he had to go to Stiles. While I was walking, I was thinking how to tell my dad about Jackson. If I don't give him what he wants, he'll expose me and Scott that we're werewolves. Then again, giving someone else the bite, that's just wrong. I hate Jackson so much right now. I was nearly home, but I stopped walking when I heard a familiar voice. ''School's over. She should be home any minute now. Find her''.

''Kate'' I muttered. I started running back when I heard footsteps leaving the house. However, I stopped running when I smelled a familiar scent. ''Allison?'' I whispered. I could hear the footsteps coming close, therefore I climbed up a tree as high as possible. Once I was high enough, I saw Allison walking towards my house. Towards the other side, two men were looking around, trying to find me.

''She can't be that far'' one of the hunters said. ''Let's split up''. The two men split up, and I just leaned against the tree. If I leave, they'd catch me. So I decided to stay here until they all leave.


''When will that bitch leave?'' I asked quietly. The two men were at my house, talking to Kate. Allison already left, to go watch the lacrosse game. My dad hasn't returned home yet, God knows where he is.

''She hasn't returned home?'' Kate asked, angrily.


''She's smart. Find her. She probably heard my voice from her wolf hearing. I got to go. I need to watch a lacrosse game''. I sat up straight and saw that bitch getting into her car and drove off, leaving her two men behind. I leaned back again against the tree.

''Dad where are you?'' I cried silently.

Derek PoV

I was staring at Peter, who punched me non stop. I was leaning against the wall and panting. ''I was waiting for a dramatic flare...'' he said, and flipped the mirror. ''Why wait? When you look this good.'' He looked at me and walked closer to me. ''Derek, you need to give me the chance to explain. After all...we're family.'' Luna was right. He is a crazy pants. Luna, I hope you're fine.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now