S2: Fury

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Luna PoV
''Dad. Dad!'' I kept on yelling.

''Derek, wake up'' Deaton said. ''We don't have much time''. My dad shot his eyes open making me sigh in relief.

"That sound...what was that?" dad asked and Deaton pulled out an injection. Dad stood up. He nearly fell but I caught him.

"You need to slow down" I told him. He nodded and looked down at the floor.

"Peter's alive".

"I know. But don't worry. You're still an Alpha" I assured him.

"Where is he?" Derek growled. "And why is here?" Derek glared at Deaton.

"First, I don't know. And second, I'm wondering the same thing as well" I replied, staring at Scott's boss.

"I am helping you. Helping your family was an important part in my life" Deaton answered and I was shocked to hear that. "I promised your mother to protect you both".

"So you're the one my sister was talking about" my dad said. "You're kind of an advisor".

"She's right. And I have an advise that you need to listen closely" Deaton said.  "What Peter manged to do, doesn't come without a price. He'll be physically weak. He'll be relying on his intelligencrm He'll coming for you Derek, Luna. He'll be twisting his way around your head, preying on your insecurities, trying to find his way to stop Gerard. Do not trust him."

"I never trust anyone" my dad told him.

"I know" Deaton smiled a little "If you did you'd be the Alpha you think you are. Unfortunately the person that you should trust doesn't trust you at all" he looked at Derek.

"Scott" I said.

"He's with Stilinski right now. You need to find him as fast as you can. I've known Gerard for a long time" Deston informed us.

'Long time? How old is this man?'

"He always has a plan. Something tells me, it's going the way he exactly wants to". I started to head for the entrance but my dad grabbed me back.

''No, Luna, you're staying here'' my dad said.

''What?'' I gasped. ''No. I want to help. I want to find Scott and see if it is Matt that's controlling Jackson''.

''Matt?'' my dad looked at me confused. ''Whatever. I know you want to help sweetie but I have a feeling hunters will be there. You're staying here. With Deaton. Deaton?''

''I'll keep an eye on her'' Deaton replied. With that, my dad ran out of the house and I heard the car drove off. I sighed in disappointment and sat down on the couch. ''You know, back then, I used to babysit you'' Deaton said and sat down beside me. ''You do know that you're dad is just concern for your safety.''

''I'm nearly 16. He can't always be protective'' I muttered.

''Luna there's something I need to tell you'' he said. 'And it's about Scott and Gerard''. I looked at him confused and he told me everything about Scott's plan.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now