Alpha Pact

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Derek PoV
I opened my eyes and I saw that a fist was about to hit me but I quickly grabbed it. I looked up and saw it was Stiles. I was still in the elevator except for two people. "Where is she? Where's Luna?"

"She's gone" Stiles told me, which broke my heart. "Jennifer took her. And Scott's mom. And Scott decided to join Deucalion. Get up, because the police are coming".

Luna PoV
I woke up, groaning and for some reason I couldn't move and at the same time, I felt so much pain on my body. I looked down and I was all tied up. "Luna?" I put my head up and saw Sheriff Stilinski, Melissa and even Chris. All of them were tied up as well. I was about to transform but Chris stopped me before I could.

"I wouldn't transform Luna" he said, gesturing me to look down at the ropes around me and saw dust on it. "Wolfsbane".

"You were passed out for a day" Melissa told me. "Are you okay?" Melissa asked, with a concerned look. I nodded and I was looking at the surroundings, I have no idea where we are but it did seem familiar.

"Where are we?" I asked. Sheriff Stilinski was about to reply, but we heard a door open and Jennifer walked in. I gave her a look, trying to get the ropes off of me, but no luck.

"This Luna, is the Nemeton" she said, making me a bit shock. "That's right. The place your dad killed your mom". Jennifer walked towards me and crouched down to my level, grabbing my chin, making me groan in pain. "And just like your mother, you will also die here. For you will be the main sacrifice". She let go off of my face and walked back and forward all of us. "Krasikeva. Krasi, which means to ressurect or iniate. And Keva. Means precious. Gentle. You're precious to me Luna. Because you're the one that will make this successful". I tried to untie myself, but I was struggling from the Wolfsbane.

"She's just a kid" Sheriff told her, trying his best to help me out of this situation.

"Hmmm, well there is one thing I want Luna to do, then I don't use her as a sacrifice" Jennifer paused.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"You help me kill Kali. And that also give you her Alpha powers" she smiled, making me scoff.

"You really are a psychopath killer".

"Why does everyone say I'm a killer? All I do is sacrifice people, alright" she shrugged, which made me roll my eyes at her stupidity. "You leave me no choice Luna" she said, grabbing a small container from the table. I wanted to transform so badly. "You better keep that anger of yours controlled. You don't want to die". I was starting to have a slight panic, Chris, Sheriff Stilinski and Melissa was begging her to stop but Jennifer opened the container, and poured more wolfsbane on me.

"Daddy!" I screamed, but I blacked out again.

Third Person PoV
Luna gasped awake, and she was confused when she wasn't in the root cellar. She slowly stood up and noticed that she was just in the forest. She wasn't covered in wolfsbane or there wasn't any ropes tied around her. It was just her. In the dark. Luna started to walk and but she stopped when she saw that there was a girl facing her back towards her, with long black, wavy hair. The girl that was in front of Luna turned around and gave Luna a small smile. "Mom?" Luna whispered. Luna ran and immediately hugged her mom and Paige hugged her back tightly. Luna let the tears fell. After hugging for a long time, the mother and daughter let go of each other.

"Luna, I'm so sorry. This Jennifer situation. This shouldn't be happening to you" Paige told her.

"I should be the one apologising Mom. Peter told me what happened that night. The Alphas. Yourself and dad. If it wasn't for me..."

"Oh my dear Luna. There is so much more that you still need to know" Paige cut her daughter off. "What happened, was not your fault. I am very happy that you were born. Even if we didn't spend much time together" she cried, so did Luna. "You are my moon. Luna, listen to me. You need to go back. Your dad is trying to find you. Especially Scott" Paige told her and Luna shook her head.

"Mom I don't want to leave you. I want to be with you" Luna cried, and Paige held onto her daughter's hand tightly, giving her an assuring look.

"If you don't, Jennifer will win. Luna, I need you to wake up, and transform for me. Shapeshift" Paige said, making Luna confused. "You need to wake up".

"I don't Shapeshift".

"Luna. Your name means the Moon. You have so much more to learn my dear".

"Lunar eclipse is tomorrow. No one has power" Luna said.

"Like I said, Luna means the moon" Paige smiled, playing with her daughter's hair. "Moon or none, shapeshift, Luna. Help your friends".

"Will I ever see you again?" Luna asked, tears still flowing down her face.

"Not for a very long time" Paige cried. Luna cried harder and hugged her mom tightly. "I'm always watching over you and your dad. And Laura says hi" Paige told her daughter. Luna sighed and closed her eyes, entering reality again.

Scott PoV
I was with Deucalion in the forest. We were trying to find where Morrell is because she's the one that can tell us whereJennifer took my mom, Chris, Sheriff Stilinski and Luna. The twins went to chase Ms Morrell, while I stayed with Deucalion. Deucalion and I were just standing beside each other quietly but I saw a firefly. I remember when I took Luna to see fireflies for her sixteenth birthday. While watching the firefly, I heard a howl. Like a proper wolf howl. It seemed in trouble. "What is that?" Deucalion asked, staring at the firefly with his red alpha eyes.

"It's a firefly" I answered. "Something Luna would love" I said quietly. Luna, I'm going to find you.

Luna PoV
After waking up from my long dream of my mom, Jennifer untied me, and she grabbed my arm, pulling me up really hardly. "Where are you taking Luna?" Melissa asked.

"Well, it's time for my next sacrifice" Jennifer smiled. Jennifer pulled me with her, exiting to the root cellar and I felt the fresh air again. But when I couldn't see the adults, I took one deep breath and my eyes glowed yellow. Even though there was still some wolfsbane on me, I ignored the pain the pain this time. "You're really making this easier for me aren't you Luna?" she laughed. She was about to put her choker around my neck but I quickly grabbed her arms, twisting it, and punched her face, making her stumble a little. "Ow!" she yelled.

A firefly flew past me and I remembered Scott all of a sudden. Jennifer roared as she turned into the Darach, but closing my eyes, I felt I wasn't on my two feet. Instead I was standing in four legs, in a white wolf form. "Impossible" Jennifer whispered, turning back into her human form. I was walking up to her slowly, growling at her a little, but she was moving away. She took her wolfsbane out and started throwing it at me, making me to run away from her. Fortunately, Jennifer wasn't following me.

'Was she scared that I happen to shapeshift?' I stopped running, and I heard a lot of people's voices. Scott, Deucalion, Ethan, Aiden. I looked up to the dark sky and howled. I continued to run again and saw a familiar jeep. I slowly walked up to it and Stiles and Deaton stood back.

"What is that?!" Stiles exclaimed, hiding behind Deaton.

"Wait. A wolf? Luna?" Deaton asked. The wolfsbane was getting to me again and I fainted again.

Stiles PoV
Deaton and I were outside my jeep, waiting for Scott. We heard a twig snap and we saw a huge white wolf. "What is that?!" I asked, hiding behind Deaton. I was about to throw a twig at it but Deaton stopped me.

"Wait. A wolf? Luna?" Deaton questioned walking towards it slowly. The next thing, the wolf fell down and it turned into Luna. A naked Luna. "Stiles, your jacket". I nodded slowly, took my jacket off, rushing to Luna, covering her with it, and carried her to my jeep.

"Stiles?" Scott arrived.

"Scott?" I sighed in relief. "Before we tell you how we found out where Jennifer is hiding, you need to see this". Scott looked confused and walked towards me and his eyes widened when he saw her.

"Luna?" Scott gasped.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now