Second Chance at First Line

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Luna PoV

I was watching the boys playing lacrosse. They were practicing to get the ball in the goal. It was Scott's turn but he seemed out of the world until Coach Finstock blew the whistle. ''McCall! What are you waiting for? Let's go!'' Scott stated running towards the goal, but was pushed hard to the ground, by Lydia's boyfriend, Jackson. I gasped a little, starting to feel a little uncomfortable as I watch Scott getting hurt.

Why am I feeling like this? I've only met the boy a few days ago? I thought. I shook my head and continued to watch. ''Uh oh'' I muttered, when I saw Scott on the ground, growling and his eyes turning yellow. Stiles ran over to him, picked him up and they left the field. I was about to follow but I stopped when I saw my dad at the distance. ''Unbelievable''. I walked over to him and grabbed his arms, going behind the bleachers. ''What are you doing here, dad?'' I asked gently.

''Keeping an eye on the beta over there'' he replied.

''You told me that that's my job'' I reminded him with a small smile.

''And how's that working out for you?'' He asked, smirking.

''Well...'' I paused, trying to think of an excuse. ''Every I go near him, Allison is somehow in our conversation. And you know I loathe the Argents''. Since my dad told me that Allison was related to Kate, all I want to do is ignore Allison now. But how could I do that? Every time I'm with Scott, he always talks about Allison.

''Which is why, I'm going to help you keep an eye on him, from now on''.

''It doesn't involve hurting him, right?'' I questioned.


I was at home, doing my math homework. Then dad came home. ''You're late'' I said. ''Where were you?''

''Out?'' he shrugged. I closed my eyes and sighed.

''Please don't tell me you went to Scott's house and gave out to him''. He didn't answer me back. Instead, he just walked upstairs.


The next day, I walked into school and I saw Scott at his locker. ''Hey Scott'' I greeted him with a huge smile.

''Hey Luna'' he greeted me back with his cute smile.

''So, I heard that my dad went to your house and gave out to you little for shifting yesterday's tryouts. Are you okay?''

''I'm okay. Thanks for asking''.

''So anyways, what are you doing to-''

''Hey Luna I got to go. I'll see you in English'' Scott said. He closed his locker and I watched him walk over to Allison.

''Why am I not surprise?'' I muttered quietly to myself, so Scott won't hear. I closed my locker and headed for music class.


I was at home, doing homework, as usual. My dad was somewhere in the woods looking for the killer alpha. I was on my laptop, doing a history project, however, I heard familiar voices outside. I closed my laptop, got up from my chair and walked over to my window and I saw Scott and Stiles digging aunt Laura's grave. I opened my window and jumped out, landing on the ground, perfectly. ''What are you two doing?'' I asked.

''Ahh!'' They both screamed.

''Luna, it's just you'' Stiles sighed in relief.

''What are you two doing here?'' I asked again, getting a little angrier.

''Okay, we don't know how to tell you this but...'' Scott started. ''I think your dad killed a girl. Look'' Scott held out the lilacs and some wolfsbane that Derek had put on the grave.

''Get out'' I sighed, staring at the grave.

''I know. Its hard to believe because it's your dad. But-''

''No'' I interrupted Stiles. ''I mean...Get out!'' I yelled.

''Luna, you're dad's a serial killer'' Stiles said.

''That's his sister. My aunt Laura'' I told him.

''Yeah, yeah, tell that to the cops''. He pulled out his phone and started dialing.

''Stiles, you've got to believe me''. He put his phone on his ear/

''Hey dad-'' Stiles greeted.

''Scott'' I begged, looking at Scott, hoping he'd believe me.

''You're dad's stalking me? Allison? I mean, you're probably working for him as well'' Scott shrugged, which made my heart break into tiny pieces.

''And I thought you two were better'' I told them.


The next night, dad and I was at school. This morning though, we were in jail, but Sherriff Stilinski believed me that Aunt Laura, was really my aunt and she was Derek's sister. Derek was out at the field, watching people celebrating because they won the lacrosse match. While I was in the locker room, watching Allison and Scott kissing.

I was outside dad's room. His door was slightly open. I was watching dad kissing his new girlfriend, Kate Argent. ''Luna, there you are'' Aunt Laura came up behind me. ''What are you-'' She stopped asking when she noticed where my eyes were. ''Come on. It's time for bed.'' Laura and I went to my room and she tucked me in my bed.

''I don't like her'' I whispered.

''Who do you not like?'' Aunt Laura asked.

''Kate. I don't trust her.''

''Me too, dear niece. But Derek, my brother, your father, do. So we need to trust her too''.

''I miss mom Aunt Laura.''

''I know you do sweetie. Go to sleep now.''

I was still watching Scott and Allison until a hand was place on my shoulder. I turned around to see my dad. We both left the school and went in the car. ''You okay?'' dad asked.

''Yeah. I'm okay'' I gave him a small smile. Dad started the engine and drove off.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now