The Tell

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Luna PoV
I woke and I was in my room. And I also have no headache anymore. I walked downstairs, as I did, I smelled food. ''Dad?''

''Luna'' dad smiled in relief, walking towards me. ''How are you feeling?''

''I don't feel the headache anymore. How long was I out?''

''Just a day. I told you you shouldn't have took my pain''. I rolled my eyes and went over to the dining room.

''This is a lot of food. What's the event?''

''Today, is parent teacher conference''.

''Shit'' I muttered.

''Language'' dad raised his eyebrows.

''Sorry. That's today? Do you...or we...have to go?'' I asked.

''How's your grades?''

''I'm more like a C student.''



''Just like me and your mother'' he smiled proudly. ''I guess we don't need to go to the conference. But I do still need to go to your school''.

''Why?'' I asked, taking a bite from a toast.

'You don't need to worry about it. Bye sweetie.''

''Bye dad'' I replied back. He kissed my forehead and left.


I was walking in the woods, heading back home. Nothing happened that much in school. Scott and Allison went on a date. Again. Stiles left early to go visit Lydia and Jackson, apparently my dad was scaring him. Anyways, walking in the woods alone is nice. I haven't done this since with my Aunt Laura.

I was watching a butterfly flying around. I giggled, as it was flying around me. ''Luna? Luna'' . I turned around and i smiled when I saw my Aunt Laura.

''Aunt Laura'' I smiled.

''How many time do I have to tell you? Never...''

''Never go out of my sight'' we both said and I giggled.

''Luna. Your dad's busy. Now I'm the only one who's free to look after you. But how am I suppose to that if you keep hiding'' she smiled and started tickling me.

''No Aunt Laura stop. Please'' I pleaded and she stopped. ''I'm sorry. I'll never hide from you ever again''.

''Promise?'' she asked, holding out her pinky.

''Promise'' I said and we did a pinky swear. ''You know, dad's not really busy. He's blaming himself for their deaths''.

''Luna, how old are you again?''


''Yes. And for a 7 year old, you shouldn't be talking about adults like that. Especially if it's your dad''.

''But he is the one who brought a hunter in the first place''.


''Right. Sorry''.

''Let's go?'' I held my aunt's hand and we both walked back home.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard running. I turned around and saw my dad. ''Dad?!'' I yelled. He turned around and quickly ran towards me.

''Thank god you're safe. When did you came? You didn't see anyone right?''

''Wait, dad. What's wrong?'' I questioned. He answered my question and I didn't expect that answer.

''Kate's back''.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now