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I was watching my dad burying his sister's body. Well the half of his sister's body. He calls her Laura. I call her my aunt Laura. Once he finished burying the half, I walked up to the grave and put her favorite flower on it, which was lilacs. "Goodbye Aunt Laura" I said quietly, and I felt my dad's arm around my neck. "This was not how I imagined first night back in Beacon Hills" I whispered to him.

"I know sweetie. I know" he said, caressing my hair.

I was standing behind the door, listening to my dad and aunt's argument. "I still don't get it, why you have to go back" dad said. "We're happy. Me, you and Luna. You don't need to go back".

"Derek. There is an alpha in the loose. Who do you expect to stop it?" Aunt Laura asked. Dad didn't answer. He shook his head and sat on the couch. Laura sat down beside him. "I know it's hard for you. I miss them too as well Derek. You're not the only one. But you know I have to this."

"I know" dad said. "It's paused for a moment. "We've already lost so much Laura".

"I'll be fine brother" Aunt Laura assured him pulling him into a hug. I watched them hug and Laura pulled out first. "God. I don't know how to inform this to my favorite niece" Laura shrugged.

"If only she didn't leave" I said walking into the Hale house with my dad. I sat on the stairs that was slightly burnt. "It's just you and me now dad" I said feeling a tear fall down my face. I was staring at the ground and I felt my dad placing a kiss on my forehead.

"You should get some sleep. Tomorrow is your first day of school" dad told me. I stood up and I hugged my dad and he hugged back.

"Good night dad".

"Good night Luna". I went upstairs and went to my room thats still burnt but dad and I managed to fix it up a bit. I went into the bed and I fell into deep sleep.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now