S2: Shape Shifted

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Luna PoV
I was in history class writing down notes. However, I stopped when a classmate of mine, Isaac Lahey, entered with a different scent. ''I'm...I'm sorry I'm late'' Isaac stuttered. Isaac walked past me as he went to his seat and I know that smell anywhere.

''Dad'' I growled quietly.


I was in my dad's car who was driving to the police station and bail Isaac out. During lacrosse practice, officers came, including Sheriff Stilinski, Isaac got arrested because his dad got murdered, which made him a suspect. ''I can't believe you gave him the bite'' I said.

''I had to.''

''Why? Why did you have to?'' I questioned, angrily. He didn't answer. ''Come on dad. You want me to be on your side right? Tell me why you gave Isaac that bite'' I grolwed, feeling my eyes glow.

''Luna'' my dad said, looking down at my hands. I looked down and saw my claws were also appearing. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling myself go back to normal. ''You ok? I've been noticing you've been getting angrier these past few weeks''. I glared at my dad and looked away from him.

''I'm fine'' I sighed and looked out the car window and just stared at the scenery.


''This isn't the police station'' I said as my dad pulled the car over to a small house. ''Dad?''

''You want to know why I gave Isaac the bite right?''

''Yeah, but Isaac-''

''Stiles is at the station. I'm here to show you the truth''. My dad entered the house and I followed him. We went to the basement and it was dark down here. My dad stopped walking and was  now right in front of a freezer with a padlock on it. ''Open it'' he ordered. I obeyed him and when I opened it I was so shock to see scratches on the door. ''You see Luna. This is why I gave him the bite, Luna''.

''It's still wrong though'' I muttered.

''What do you mean?''

''There were other ways to help Isaac!'' I started to yell. ''Dad, you can't just turn people into werewolves!''

''I can if they're willing!''

''Did you even tell him about the hunters?!''

''Yes and he still wanted it''.

''Well, he's an idiot, but you're not dad! I know you! You don't like hunters killing our kind. And making more werewolves, hunters will easily win''.

''Not if we train them properly. We will protect Isaac no matter what. Let's go. Scott and Allison are on their way''.

''Scott? Does Scott know you're turning people into werewolves?''


''What did he say?''

''He had the same reaction as you, but he accepts now. I think. Let's go''. My dad left. I looked back at the fridge. I shook my head and sighed.

''I'm staying here''. With that I heard the front door close with a loud bang.


I was in the living room. The door opened and it was only Scott who entered. ''Where's Allison?''

''She had to go home'' Scott said, with a disappointed tone, looking down at the ground. ''Anyways, I know about Isaac. Luna, I need your help'' he said making me look at him confused.


Scott was inside the freezer. I was about to close it, but I couldn't. ''You sure you want to do this?" I asked Scott quietly.

"Yeah" he nodded. He went in the freezer, I closed it and chained it closed. I went upstairs and started to walk around. When I was walking around, I heard a hissing noise. I turned around and saw a lizard man. "Ahhh!" I screamed.

Scott PoV
"Luna?" I gasped, after hearing her scream. "Luna!" I broke the freezer open, ran to the kitchen and Luna was there standing with her eyes wide. I looked at the door and saw a lizard man, running away. "Luna" I hugged her tight. "You ok?" I asked, pulling away from the hug.

"Yeah...what the hell was that?"

"I have no idea. You sure you're ok? Did it hurt you?"

"Scott, I'm fine". I sighed and pulled her back into a hug.

Luna PoV
Scott hugged me again. So I decided hug him back as well and it felt nice. So was his scent. I smiled and hugged him tight. I could feel he did the same thing as well.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now