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Luna PoV

I woke up with a very sore head and by some very loud screams, that sounded very familiar. ''Dad?!'' I screamed. I tried to walk but I couldn't, because my hands were cuffed to the ceiling. I realised I was in the basement of the house, while my dad was at the other side. Kate's men must have caught me but I don't remember how. I ignored that for a moment,  I just kept on hearing my dad's screams. ''Dad?!''

Derek PoV

Kate's niece, Allison, had left, and she continued to electrocute me. When she was done, I heard Luna's scream for me. She was gone for a day. How could I have been so stupid that she was just here in  the basement? ''You had Luna?'' I growled.

''Where did you expect she was?'' Kate scoffed. ''Typical Derek. Still dumb'' she smirked.

''You have me, let her go'' I demanded.

''But that's no fun'' she pouted. 

''She's just a kid''.

''No'' Kate shook her head. ''She's like you. An animal''. She took her earpiece and spoke through it. ''Bring her in''. I looked at door, it opened and two hunters came in, holding onto my daughter. 

''Luna''  I whispered as I watched her struggle to get out of the grip of the two men. 

''Little Luna'' Kate walked up to her. ''So happy to see you again. You've grown up. You were just a toddler back then. What do you remember about me?'' she smiled and walked back at me. ''Do you remember watching me making out with your dad?'' Kate asked, touching my abs. '' you remember how I spilled that gasoline and set the house on fire?'' That made me clench my fists. Luna managed to get out of the hunters' grip, but the big bald man, grabbed her hair, pulling her back from Kate.

''You bitch!'' Luna growled.

''Now that you're here and wide, let's give you entertainment. You were unconscious for a day and missed a lot of fun'' Kate smirked at my daughter. ''You, cuff her to the ceiling and you, you know what to do''. The bald man walked over to me, cracking his fists while the other one was handcuffing Luna to the ceiling and was now facing me.  ''Goodbye. I have to help my dear niece pick out a dress for the formal dance'' Kate smiled and left. 

''Dad?'' Luna whispered, tears starting to form in her eyes.

''I'll heal'' I assured her then I felt a fist connecting to my body.

Luna PoV

I looked away when the bald one punched my dad, but the other hunter, that was beside me, grabbed my chin, making me look back at my dad being tortured. ''Don't look away, don't look away'' he laughed. My tears kept falling as the hunter kept punching my dad. My dad was now coughing blood out. Once the hunter was done punching him,  he walked over to the electricity box that beside my dad.

''No'' I said, struggling to get the restraints off. ''Don't plea-''

''Ahhh!'' my dad screamed very loudly, making me cry even more. This makes me remember all those screams in the house when it was on fire.


The torture was over. The two hunters had left, leaving me and my dad in this room. I was watching my dad slowly healing. ''Dad?'' I muttered. I feel so useless right now. I didn't do anything to help my dad or anything.

''It''s Peter'' he coughed. ''It's always been Peter''.

''Dad, what do you mean?'' I asked softly.

''Crazy pants is the alpha'' dad said. I looked at with wide eyes and mouth wide open.


''He knows. He almost got caught too'' he said and coughed again. ''But I helped him escaped. Luna, I'm sorry. I should have came faster. I should have looked harder for you. I should have known that you were down here all along-''

''It's fine. Kate might have prevented you to not smell my scent or something. Besides, it should be me to say sorry. Dad the other day, I didn't mean to get angry at you I-''

''But I promised you though'' he cut me off. ''I did promise you that I wouldn't kill anyone else'' he said, looking at my eyes. ''You have your mother's eyes'' he sighed. I was about to ask him something but Kate entered. 

''Still not going to talk Derek?'' Kate asked him and pouted. ''Guess I have to kill you.'' She was about turn on the electricity to high power, but she paused. ''Or I could just kill your daughter.''

''Don't you dare'' my dad growled angrily.

''Relax. I'm not going to hurt her. I'd rather have her watch'' Kate said. ''Say hi to your sister for me''. Kate was about to start but she paused again. ''Did you two tell her about me?'' My dad and I didn't answer her. ''Oh my God. You didn't say anything. Actually...did you tell anybody?'' dad looked at the ground and so did I. I think aunt Laura had an idea though because she too had a feeling Kate was bad news. My aunt isn't stupid. ''Well, that's a lot of guilt to keep buried'' Kate smiled. ''Handsome young werewolf mistakenly falls in love with a super hot girl, who comes from a family who kills werewolves and never believed his daughter when the daughter thought that the hot girl was evil. Isn't that ironic? Isn't it ironic that you two are helping me take down the rest of a pack again? Or is it just history repeating itself again?'' Kate questioned. ''History?'' Kate repeated. ''It's not Jackson isn't it?''

'Jackson?' I thought. 'What's happened to Jackson?'

''He's got a scratch at the back of his neck, but he's not in love with Allison.''

'Jackson has a scratch? Since when?'

''Not like Scott''. Kate walked out of the room, angrily, which made me feel scared for Scott. I looked at my dad he was still looking at the ground, feeling guilty. 

''Dad'' I spoke up and he looked at me. ''I think aunt Laura had a feeling though. And she didn't really care that you and I didn't inform her. She knew that we, especially you, was hurting. Don't let what Kate said get into your mind.'' 

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