The Overlooked Pt. 2

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Peter took the needle out of Scott's hand and injected himself on the chest. Peter left the room, Scott was about to follow him, but I held him back for a few minutes, before me, my dad, Stiles and Jennifer leave, taking aunt Cora. "Scott" I quietly said, and both were holding to each others hands, not wanting to let go. Should I tell him how I feel now? "Stay safe, alright?" I pleaded.

"Always" Scott assured me.

"Luna, let's go" my dad said. I was about to walk away from Scott but Scott, surprisingly, brought me into a tight hug.

"Stay safe, Luna".

"Always" I replied.


Me, Stiles, my dad and Jennifer was in the parking lot of the hospital, and Stiles and my dad put aunt Cora into the ambulance. While they were doing that, I was smelling fresh blood. I went behind the ambulance and saw a dead body. Jennifer came to me and she was shocked as well what she saw. "Derek" Jennifer said and my dad joined.

"Julia" I heard Kali saying. She walked out of her hiding place and she was playing with a set of keys. Stiles closed the ambulance just in time when Kali roared and the three of us started to run back into the hospital.

"The elevator" Jennifer suggested. Me and my dad was hesitant but we decided to go with it. We went in the elevator and then the electricity power turned off. I stared at my dad and he and I sighed. Tired of what's happening tonight.

"Oh, great" I sighed, staring at Jennifer. this is a long wait. We could climb up to the elevator shaft, but Kali knows where we are so that's a no. We have to wait till the generator power comes back on again. It was silent but the psychopath had to speak "Derek, I know what you're thinking. That I'm using you. That everything that has happened between us is a lie. Or, that I'm evil a bitch".

"Yes" I said when she said the last bit.

"But, I hope you're not thinking the most superficial thought "Is that her real face? The slashed, mutilated face revealed by the mistletoe... Is that what she really looks like?""

"We don't care" my dad said.

"Julia Baccari. I guess I should have changed it to something with different first letters. I think I read somewhere that people always pick aliases that are subconsciously derivative of their original name. It's a way of not completely letting go of your identity, since your name is so tied to your sense of self."

"We don't care" I told her and she kept on continuing non stop.

"Do you know what else is? Your face. The one that's supposed to be staring back at you in the mirror-- not some hacked-up atrocity you can't even recognize."

"We still don't care" my dad repeated again.

"But, I bet you're curious. I bet you wonder exactly what happened" she smirked, making me and my dad sigh.

"You were an Emissary. They tried killing you along with the rest of the pack. Mystery solved."

"I was Kali's Emissary..." Jennifer, or Julia, whatever her name is, added and me and dad stared at her curiously. "And I was the one she couldn't kill. For years, the Nemeton's power was virtually gone, like the dying ember of a burned-out fire. But, a few months earlier, something happened that caused that ember to glow a little brighter. Something that gave it a spark of power again the sacrifice of a virgin."

"Nemeton" I repeated and Jennifer nodded. I looked at my dad who was looking down at the ground.

"You didn't know what you were doing back then, but killing Paige..." I looked up at her when she mentioned my mom's name. " the root cellar, sacrificing her there, gave power to the Nemeton. You gave it power again. You gave me power. Just enough to hold onto life a little longer. Long enough to be found."

"Okay, I've met a lot of psychopaths in my life, but you, you're the biggest of then all" I cried. "If you're telling me that my parents was the cause of you being this, you're crazy" I said, trying to control my temper and Jennifer kept on smiling and continued telling us her backstory.

"You know mistletoe is important to Druids. But, do you know the myth of why people kill under mistletoe?"

"No" my dad answered.

"It's a Norse myth. Baldr, the son of Odin, was the most beloved of the other gods, so much so that they wanted to protect him from all of the dangers in the world. His mother, Frigg, took an oath from fire and water, metal, stone, and every living thing, that they would never hurt Baldr. At a gathering, they tested him: stones, arrows, and flame were all hurled at him. Nothing worked. But, there was one god who wasn't so enamored of Baldr, the god of mischief, Loki. Loki discovered that Frigg had forgotten to ask mistletoe, a tiny, seemingly harmless plant, and completely overlooked. Loki fashioned a dart out of mistletoe, and it killed Baldr. Frigg was heartbroken. She decreed that mistletoe would never again be used as a weapon and that she would place a kiss on anyone who passed under it. So, now we hang mistletoe underneath our door during the holidays... so that we will never overlook it again. We were the Overlooked, the Emissaries. It was a mistake Deucalion and the Alphas should never have made, because I made an oath of my own. From virgins and warriors, from healers, philosophers, and guardians, to loan me their power so that I could teach these monsters that their monstrous actions would never be overlooked."

If I'm gonna be honest, Jennifer story seemed interesting. But I just couldn't believe how my mom's death brought her to life.

"You killed innocent people" my dad reminded her.

"So have you" Jennifer argued back. "I know the real color of your eyes, Derek, and I know what it means. I'm not asking you to save just my life. I'm asking you to save everyone they'll ever hurt again."

"You can't beat them" my dad told her softly.

"Are you sure about that? Boyd asked you right before he died "What happens to a Werewolf during a lunar eclipse?" You didn't get a chance to tell him, but you know, don't you" Jennifer urged my dad to tell the truth. I ran my hands through my hair, as memories of experiencing the lunar eclipse. How we couldn't transform that night of the fire. "What happens, Derek? During the total lunar eclipse?"

"We lose all our power" my dad replied. Then the elevator power came on, which made me sigh in relief. I immediately pushed the button and it started to move. But I heard a roar and a small thud.

"Luna". I turned around and saw the Darach was now in front of me and the next thing I know, darkness was all I saw.

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