Sweet 16

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Luna PoV
I woke up, and I do not want to get out of my bed at all today. My door opened and my dad was holding a cake and started to sing the happy birthday song. I groaned and went under my duvet. I also covered my ears. Once I heard my dad had stop singing, I uncovered my ears. "Happy birthday ittle wolf". I got out of the duvet and sat up.

"You know I hate birthdays dad" I reminded.

"You really aren't a normal teenager" Peter stated, making me roll my eyes. "Most people I know loves their birthday since they get to do what they want".

"I'm not those people" I told him.

"Just please blow the candle for daddy". I sighed and blew the birthday candle.

"Happy?" I asked. My dad smirked and went out of my room. He then came back holding a small box. "Presents? Dad seriously?"

"Just open it" my dad said. I took the small box and I was surprised. I took the locker out of the box.

"How did you...this was in the fire" I said.

"I managed to save it" Peter said and I looked at him in shock. "Gave it to your dad last night and told him to give it to you today. No need to thank me". I looked at the locket and opened it and saw a picture of my dad as a teen, smiling as he was hugging my mom who was holding me as a baby.

"I have to go to school now" I said softly. My dad and Peter went to the the exit but I stopped Peter. "Hey Crazy pants". He turned to look at me. "Thank you" I mouthed. He nodded and left.


I was at my locker talking to Scott and Stiles. Stiles was talking about a movie called Star Wars. And I seem lost. "You seem lost Scott on what I'm talking about" Stiles said. "That means you have not watch Star Wars even though I've been telling you to watch it".

"I don't have time" Scott told him.

"Luna, please tell me you've seen Star Wars" Stiles pleaded and I shook my head. "What?"

"I really don't watch movies that much" I informed him.

"I need new friends" Stiles said.

"Happy birthday" someone said behind me. I widened my eyes and turned around and saw Lydia and Allison. I was shaking my head slightly to them.

"Who's birthday is it?" Scott asked. I closed my eyes, hoping he won't catch on but Allison told him. "It's your birthday Luna?" Scott asked and I nodded slightly.

"You didn't tell us. How old are you?" Stiles asked.

"She's 16" Lydia answered for me.

"You're only turning 16 now?!" Stiles exclaimed. "Aww that's cute. You're the youngest out of all of us" Stiles said.

"Why didn't you tell us it's your birthday?" Scott asked.

"I don't really like my birthdays" I shrugged.

"I heard you never have a party which is probably the reason you don't like birthdays. Therefore Allison and I are throwing you a party" Lydia said and I widened my eyes and looked at them. Allison gave me a small smile. "But not dressed like that'' Lydia added. ''We're going to the mall after school". The bell rang and Allison and Lydia left. I looked at the two boys.

"I need to make you a present" Stiles said and ran off. I looked at Scott.

"Happy birthday" he smiled and left. I leaned against the locker doors and pouted.

"Let's have a party then" I sighed sadly.


Everyone from school was in Lydia's house, celebrating my birthday. I barely know these people. I was standing at the birthday cake, everyone was singing the song. When they were done I blew the candles and they all cheered and everyone started dancing and chatting. I rolled my eyes and headed for Lydia's bedroom. "Hey Luna". I turned around and saw Danny. "Happy birthday".

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