Heart Monitor pt. 2

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Luna PoV
School was over, dad and I went to visit Peter, who was at a nursing home right now. He's my dad's uncle. To me, Peter is a...well I like to call him Crazy Pants. Why? Well, he's crazy. Well, to me he is. Everyone kept telling me that's just his attitude. ''I need your help'' my dad started talking to a frozen Peter. Well not really frozen. His mind is because of his trauma from the fire. ''If you can hear me, I need you to give me a sign. Blink? Raise a finger? Just point me to the right direction, okay?'' Dad sighed and looked at the ground then back at Peter. ''Someone killed Laura'' Dad simply informed him. ''Your niece. Laura. Wherever he is, he's an alpha right now. But he's one without a pack. Which means, he's not as strong. I can take him-'' my dad got interrupted when I cleared my throat. ''I mean, we, can take him. Me and Luna. But we have to find him. If you know something, give us a sign. Is it one of us?'' dad asked, starting to get mad now. ''Did someone else make it out of the fire?''

''Dad, you should probably calm down a little'' I suggested, but he didn't listen.

''Just say something!'' dad yelled, grabbing Peter out of his wheelchair.

''Let him go!'' We turned around and saw Peter's carer. ''You think yelling at him after what happened would make him response?''

''You've got a better method?'' dad asked her, growling a little, making me grab my dad's hand.

''Patience'' she replied then I finally spoke up.

''We're sorry. We just needed someone to guide us again'' I said. ''Well, anyways, we were about to leave now'' I said and left Peter's room, still holding onto my dad's hand. ''I'm telling you. I don't think Crazy Pants will ever go back to normal'' I told my dad. When we reached the car, we saw a note on the window. Dad walked over and took it. Once he stared at the paper, he looked like he was going to kill someone.

''Luna, go back to house. I need to take care of something'' he said and went in the car and drove off. I'd argue back but if my dad has his killing face on, you do not want to mess with him .


''School at night? Why would you bring a killer alpha there?'' I asked myself, as I was heading to the school. I got a text from my dad, informing me that he has a plan how to get the alpha and that I need to go to the school right now. When I arrived I saw the two boys. Stiles and my cute dork. ''What you two doing here?'' I asked and they jumped slightly.

''Luna'' Scott smiled. ''Uh...Derek has a plan....well techinacally my plan...on how to get the alpha''. I heard a car pulled up. I turned around and saw my dad's car and he got out. ''Where's my boss?'' Scott asked him, making me confused. Dad rolled his eyes and opened the back. The boys and I went to see what was in it and I saw man, unconcious, tied in duct tape.

''Oh he looks comfortable'' Stiles sarcastically said and he and Scott started to head for the school entrance.

''Wait'' i said, stopping them. ''Where are you going?''

''Derek said I was link to the alpha'' Scott answered. ''Let's see if he's right''. With that the two boys left.

''Don't get hurt'' I muttered quietly. I walked  towards my dad and stared at the man who unconcious who came out to be Scott's boss. ''So why did you-''

''Don't worry about it'' my dad said, shaking his head slightly. ''So what do you think they'll do?''

''Probably something stupid. Like...'' I stopped talking when the both of us heard Scott screaming like a cat dying. I closed my eyes. Is he trying to howl?

''You've got to be kidding me?'' I heard my dad mutter beside me. Once Scott stopped, I finished my sentence.

''...Like that'' I sighed, laughing a bit.

Scott PoV
I was about to howl again when Stiles told me I sounded like a dying cat, but i heard giggling from outside. I looked outside and saw Luna laughing, making me smile really widely. ''Hey Scott'' Stiles interrupted my thoughts. ''What are you doing?''

''Right okay'' I nodded and cleared my throat. Be a werewolf.

Luna PoV
''How do you have a crush on him?'' my dad asked me. I shrugged. Once again we heard a howl. A proper howl, that sounded like it's going to wake everyone else in the town. ''That was awesome dude!'' I heard Stiles exclaim. I turned around and saw the two boys again.

''I am going to kill the both of you'' my dad threatened them. ''What are you trying to do? Attract the entire states in the school?''

''Sorry'' Scott stuttered a little. ''Didn't know it will be that loud''.

''Well, I, like Stiles said, think it was amazing'' I told Scott, making him smile. ''Dad here is just being a sour wolf''.

''Am not'' my dad said.

''What did you do to him?'' Scott asked, confused. My dad and I looked at the car and we didn't see Scott's boss.

''We didn't do anything'' I told him. All of a sudden there was a claw stuck in my dad's chest. I gasped and went in between Scott and Stiles and we watched the Alpha throw my dad across the parking lot. I felt a hand take mine and brought me inside the school. Stiles locked the doors, Scott was panicking hard because the alpha is now here, while me, my mind is completely blank of what's happening, because I just saw my dad got stab in front of me.  I sat down on the ground, replaying what just happened. I looked out the window and I didn't see the alpha outside anymore. And my Dad's body was also gone which made me more worried.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now