Motel California

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Luna PoV

We have arrived at the motel we were all gonna be staying at. We all got out the bus and everyone was entering the motel, excited to go to their rooms to sleep and talk, except for me. As we have arrived I got a bad feeling already. For some reason, I just found the place creepy. Like, it's giving me memories of the fire again. I kept staring at the place until someone called my name, interrupting my thoughts. I looked up and saw Scott giving me worried look. ''You okay?'' he asked.

''I don't know. I'm getting a bad vibe about this place'' I told him truthfully.

''It's okay'' Scott assured me grabbing my hand. ''Remember your room is just across mine and Stiles' and the girls' are just down the right. It's been a long week, especially with you know what...'' he paused, when he noticed how upset I got again. ''Luna, don't worry. Just knock on our door if you need anything. Okay?''

''Okay'' I nodded, giving him a small smile, also to Stiles, who was giving me a knowing look. I took a deep breath and me, Scott and Stiles walked into the motel. 


I was finally settled in my room, but I wanted to see how the boys were. I left my room, went across the door in front of me, about to knock but I didn't when I heard a gentle whisper, whispering my name. I looked around the hall and I saw no one at all. But I kept hearing the whisper. So, I decided to follow the whisper where it led me to the roof. There I saw a figure, which shocked me. ''Dad?'' I gasped, feeling tears forming my eyes. My dad glared at and he looked down from the roof, and I understood what he meant. I nodded in agreement.

Third Person PoV

During that nigh, Stiles, Lydia and Allison all noticed something was wrong with the werewolves. It was Boyd at first, then Isaac and Ethan. All thee tried to kill themselves but hurting them with something hot makes them go back to normal. Now, Stiles, Lydia and Allison were trying to find Scott and Luna but they manage to find Scott first, they found him standing in a puddle of gasoline, even Scott himself were covered in gasoline, holding a flare in his left hand. All three teenagers were staring at Scott in shock. "There's no hope" Scott said.

"What do you mean Scott? There's always hope" Allison told him, with a small smile. 

"Not for me" Scott said, shaking his head. "Not for Derek."

"Derek wasn't your fault. You know Derek wasn't your fault" Allison tried to assure Scott. 

 "Every time I try to fight back, it just gets worse" Scott cried. "People keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed. I manage to let Luna lose her dad". When Scott mentioned Luna's name the other three stared at each other knowing that they also have to find Luna still. They were all thinking the same thing; she may even be in a worse condition than Scott. 

 "Scott" Stiles spoke up, walking up slowly to his best friend.  "Listen to me, okay? This isn't you, all right? This is someone inside your head telling you to do this. Okay? Now..."

"What if it isn't? What if it is just me? What if doing this is actually the best thing that I could do for everyone else?" Scott questioned his best friend and continued.  "It all started that night, the night I got bitten. You remember the way it was before that? You and me, we were...we were... we were nothing. We weren't popular. We weren't good at lacrosse. We weren't important. We were no one. Maybe I should just be no one again. No one at all".

"Scott, just listen to me, okay? You're not no one. Okay? You're someone, you're... Scott, you're my best friend. Okay? And I need you. Scott, you're my brother" Stiles said, finally closer to Scott. "All right, so... so if you're gonna do this, then..." Stiles paused, taking a step on the gasoline puddle. "I think you're just gonna have to take me with you. All right?" Stiles grabbed the flare from Scott's hand and threw it away. 

Everyone sighed in relief, however Lydia saw the flare rolling over to the gasoline. 

"No!" Lydia shouted, pushing the boys as fast as she could, before they would be caught in fir. Luckily they were saved by Lydia. 

Scott was back to normal and stared at everyone and he noticed one person was missing. "Luna?"

Luna PoV

I was at ledge, staring down. It's a long fall. I was about to jump, but I heard someone shout my name. "Luna!" With that person shout my name in surprise, I manage to slip but I didn't fall. Someone manage to grab my hands in time. I looked up and saw it was Scott. "Luna, don't let go!"

"Scott, please" I cried to him, giving him pleading eyes. "I have no one. Dad's dead. My mom..." I cried. Scott pulled me up, and immediately pulled me into a hug. "I want to die. Just let me die Scott" I softly said trying to push him away from me but he was too strong for me. All of a sudden I felt a burning sensation hit my skin, making my world go black. 


'Luna, Luna...'

I woke up gasping, looking around my surroundings and noticed I was on the bus. And the bus was moving. "Luna" someone put their hand on mine. I turned and it was Scott again. 

"Scott why didn't you..." I paused giving him a look.

"I know it hasn't been easy for you. But Luna, we're here for you. No matter what" he assured me. I looked behind him and saw Lydia and Stiles nodding in agreement with smile on their faces and so was Allison was sitting behind them. 

"How did Darach get into our heads?" I asked, still doubting at what Scott had told me. 

"Coach's whistle had wolfsbane in it" Scott answered at me and I stared at him in shock.

"But don't worry, I threw it away" Stiles smiled. I nodded slowly and looked out the window. I can feel everyone else was still staring at me with concern but I ignored it. All I want is my dad back. 

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now