Pack Mentality

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Luna PoV

I was at my locker, getting my books for my next three classes. And after what happened last week, I've been ignoring  Scott and Stiles. Scott and Stiles kept trying to say sorry, but how can I forgive them when they didn't believe me that the girl buried in our house was my Aunt Laura. I closed my locker. I started to leave but a locker door hit my head, making me fall down on my butt. ''Ow!'' I yelled, putting my right hand on my forehead. 

''Luna'' I heard Scott's voice. I looked up and he crouched down by my side. ''I'm so sorry. I didn't see you. Are you okay?'' He asked, helping up.

''Yeah, I'm okay'' I replied and I started to listen to his heartbeat. It was beating really fast. ''Are you alright?''


''Your heartbeat. It's beating fast'' I told him.

''Oh, right. It's just that I had a small panic attack a few seconds ago'' he informed me which made me curious.


''I thought I killed Allison...''

And there's that name again I thought.

''...But it was just a dream'' Scott finished. 

''If she's alive and well, then why is your heart still beating fast?'' I questioned him.

''Oh, I'm not sure why'' Scott shrugged and I noticed his eyes started glowing, which made me grab his right hand and I heard his heart was beginning to go back to normal. 

''It's ok Scott. It was just a dream'' I assured him. ''Allison is alive and well'' I reminded him.  ''I got to go to class now''. I started walking away from him but he stopped me.

''Are we good?'' he asked, hesitating a bit. I looked at his dark, dreamy eyes, making me blink twice. 

''Um...we'll see. I mean, it hurt a little that you and Stiles didn't trust me.''

''I'm sorry Luna. Stiles and I are. I hope you can forgive us'' he gave me a small smile. 

''Bye Scott'' I said and walked away heading over to history. ''Stop thinking about him Luna. He likes someone else'' I told myself quietly. 


It was lunch time. I was eating an apple and I was surprised that Scott and Stiles joined me. ''Then it wasn't a dream'' Scott said.

''What's not a dream?'' I asked and they both looked at me. ''Is this about the guy earlier today who was carried in an ambulance?''

''Yeah'' Scott nodded. ''Something happened last night and I can't remember what.''

''And Scott here thinks that you and you're dad might have the answer to this'' Stiles added. 

''What makes you think that Scott?'' I questioned.

''Because during the full moon your dad didn't change. He was in total control, while I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy'' Scott explained.

''You don't know that'' Stiles said, making Scott roll his eyes. 

''I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel the date'' Scott pouted a little.

''You have a date with Allison?'' I asked quietly, while Stiles told him not to cancel.

''Luna help me out here. How does your dad keep control?'' I was about to answer Scott's question, but all of a sudden Lydia, Allison, Danny and Jackson sat at our table. Well my table. It was my table first. I don't even know why Scott and Stiles sat here in the first place. They know I still hate them. 

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now