S3: Chaos Rising pt 1.

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Luna PoV
It's 6p.m. I was with Scott at our secret hideout. We were both doing homework quietly. However, Scott broke the silence by bringing up the alphas. ''Is that why you kept hanging around with me all summer? To distract me so I wouldn't notice Derek, Peter and Isaac on a mission?'' Scott questioned. I sat up straight and looked at him.

''If I never hung out with you all summer and just went to find the alphas or if I have never been born, you still wouldn't notice'' I gave him small smile. He gave me a small offended look and he sighed.

''True'' he nodded. ''But you should have told me''.

''I didn't want you to worry'' I shrugged.

''It's a pack of alphas, Luna. And as your friend, I have the right to be worried'' Scott said. Then his phone beeped and he looked at it, telling me he had to go now. ''I have to go. I have to go the party right now with Stiles. Study here tomorrow?'' he asked and i nodded. He grabbed his bag and books and jacket and I watched him leave.


The next morning, me, and Isaac was at my dad's loft. During the summer, my dad found a new place for the both of us to move in. I didn't like how he found this without consulting me first. Isaac was walking back and forward because he's nervous about Peter looking into his memory. ''Isaac, will you please stop walking back and forward? It's going to be fine'' I assured him.

''This plan sounds dangerous. I don't like it'' Isaac told me. ''No. You know what I don't like about this plan, is him. I definitely don't like him. Why does it have to be him.''

''He knows how to do it, we don't'' my dad spoke up.

''It would be more dangerous if me and my dad tried it ourselves'' I added.

''You do know Scott doesn't trust him'' Isaac reminded us. ''And I personally trust Scott'' he shrugged.

''Do you trust me?'' my dad asked.

''Yeah'' Isaac nodded. ''I just don't like him''.

''Nobody likes him'' I said. Then the door opened and Peter entered.

"Boys. And girl'' Peter started. ''F.Y.I., yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works. So I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face.'' I sighed and glared at him giving him four simple words.

''We don't like you'' I said. Peter rolled his eyes.

''Now shut up and help us'' my dad demanded.

''Fair enough'' Peter shrugged and walked over to Isaac who was still nervous. ''Relax. I'll get more out of you if you're calm'' Peter said, making him sit down.

''How do you know how to do this, again?'' Isaac asked.

''It's an ancient ritual used mostly by alphas, since it's a skill that requires quite a bit of practice. One slip, and you could paralyze someone. Or kill them'' Peter informed him.

''You... You've had a lot of practice, though, right?'' Isaac stuttered.

''Well, I've never paralyzed anyone'' Peter shrugged.

''Wait, does that mean that you...'' Isaac stopped talking when Peter put his claws into Isaac's neck.

''Wait, I see them'' Peter said. About a minute later, Peter removed his claws from Isaac's neck and he was panting.

''What'd you see?'' I asked.

''It was confusing'' Peter panted. ''Um... images. Vague shapes.''

''But you saw something'' my dad stated.

''Isaac found them'' Peter told us.

''Erica and Boyd?'' I raised an eyebrow.

''I barely saw them. I mean, glimpses.''

''But you did see them'' I said.

''And worse'' Peter sighed, looking at my dad making me confused.

''Deucalion'' my dad sighed. It was quiet for a moment but Crazy Pants broke that silence.

''He was talking to them. Something about time running out.''

''What does it mean?'' Isaac asked.

''He's gonna kill them'' my dad replied.

''No, no, no, no, no, he didn't say that. He did make them a promise that by the full moon that they'd both be dead'' Peter explained.

''The next full moon?'' I asked in shock.

''Tomorrow night'' Peter finished.


Me and my dad was in an empty classroom with Scott, Stiles Lydia and Allison. We were both staring at a mark on Allison's and Lydia's arm. ''I don't see anything'' my dad said.

''Look again'' Scott told him.

''How is a bruise gonna tell me where Boyd and Erica are?'' dad asked.

''It's the same on both sides. Exactly the same'' Scott stated.

''It's nothing'' dad shrugged.

''Pareidolia'' Lydia spoke up and I gave her a confused look. ''Seeing patterns that aren't there. It's a subset of apophenia'' Lydia explained and I nodded.

''They're trying to help'' Scott said.

''These two?'' dad glared at Allison and Lydia. ''This one...'' dad looked at Lydia. ''Used me to resurrect my psychotic Uncle. Thank you. And this one...'' he looked at Allison. ''Shot about 30 arrows into me, my pack and my daughter.''

''Okay, all right, now, come on. No one died, all right?'' Stiles spoke up. ''Look, there may have been a little maiming, okay, a little mangling, but no death. That's what I call an important distinction.''

''My mother died'' Allison reminded us.

''Your family's little honor code killed your mother. Not us'' I simply told her and Allison glared at me. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

''That girl was looking for Scott. I'm here to help Scott, not you two'' she scolded. Now, I was giving her the death glare.

'I really wish you just stayed in France' I thought to myself.

''You wanna help? Find something real'' my dad said and walked away. Scott followed. I stayed behind, still glaring at Allison. She too was glaring at me.

''Okay'' Lydia sighed, walking in the middle between Allison and I. ''Allison, we're going to be late. Bye Luna, and bye Stiles''. Lydia grabbed Allison's arm and they both left, leaving me with Stiles in the room.

''What was that?'' Stiles asked.

''What?'' I asked.

''You and Allison? The two of you looked like you want to kill each other.''

''Not yet'' I told him.

''This isn't because of her mom or the bruise isn't it?'' Stiles asked. ''Luna, the two of them broke up. You have the chance now to date Scott.'' I looked at Stiles then i looked at the ground. "You need to tell him before it's too late Luna. Otherwise, someone might be one step ahead of you in taking him. I'm right here if you need anything, Okay?"

I slowly nodded as I was repeating the words he said to me. "I'd tell Scott how I'd feel, but I'm afraid if we do date, and breakup-"

"Your friendship will be different?" Stiles cut me off.

"I was going to say something else. But you can say it that way".

"Luna, I've seen the way you two hang out with each other. I can clearly see how the two you care for each other. But hey, it's your decision to tell him how you feel. But if all of a sudden someone else cone to Scott's life, and you haven't told him, I am so telling him" Stiles told me.

A/n. I'm back. Sorry for not updating, it's just I'm now in college. It's so busy being in college now, there are so many assesments and shit. But here's a new chapter and I will try and update ASAP.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now