Code Breaker

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Luna PoV

My dad was sleeping. I can't blame. He took so much pain for me. ''Some Hale you are Luna'' I muttered quietly to myself. A Hale always fights back. But here I am, being weak and just watching my dad sleeping and feeling worried for a boy who doesn't even love me. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a howl. Scott's howl, making me smile.

''Was that Scott?'' my dad ask, opening his eyes slowly. I nodded yes.


My dad and I could hear punches and grunting outside the door. A few minutes later, the door opened and Scott entered. ''Luna?'' Scott ran to my side and took the cuffs off of my right hand. He was about to take the left one off but I stopped him.

''I've got this. Help my dad'' I ordered him and he nodded. I ripped the cuffs off from my left hand and I ran over to Scott to help him carry my dad. ''Okay superman, what's your plan?'' I asked.

''Uh... actually I didn't know I'd actually get this far'' Scott replied and my dad and I glared at him. ''Well, all I know is that Chris and Kate are on their way and so is Peter''.

''And?'' my dad asked, as the three of us reached the living room.

''And I called some backup'' Scott shrugged. My dad scoffed and rolled his eyes.

''Okay, Scott, Luna, wait for me outside. I need to get a jacket and a shirt'' my dad said. Scott and I nodded and we both went outside.


Scott, my dad and I have been walking around the woods for like an hour and we haven't seen anything. We were now heading back to the house but my dad stopped. ''Hold on, hold on. Something's not right'' dad said.

''What do you mean?'' Scott asked, confused.

''I don't know. I feel like it was just-''

''Don't say it was 'too easy''' Scott cut my dad off.

''What?'' I looked at him confused.

''Whenever someone says it's 'too easy', bad things happen'' Scott replied. ''Luna, did you think finding you was easy?''

We were just at the basement of the house. Why can't anyone figure that out? Well I mean, the basement is kind of a secret passage to the Hales so I can't really blame them.

''And did you think getting away from Chris was easy? None of this has been easy!'' Scott exclaimed.

''Fine'' dad sighed. ''You're right''.

''Thank you'' Scott said. We started to walk again, but all of a sudden an arrow was shot at my arm, making me fall down.

''Luna'' I heard my dad's voice. ''Ahh''. I sat up a little and saw an arrow at my dad's arm as well. He too was now on the ground. Then an arrow was shot at my leg. I looked up and saw Kate with Allison and Allison was holding a cross bow.

''Flash bolt'' I heard Kate say to her niece.

''Scott your eyes'' I yelled. I heard Allison shooting making me cover my eyes. I then removed the arrow from my leg which really hurt. Then I removed it from my arm. I quickly went up and helped my dad up then Scott and we quickly ran but I fell since my leg was still hurting.

''Luna'' my dad kneeled down beside me. ''Scott go!'' Dad helped me up, and we ran again but stopped when Scott tripped and Allison walking towards us.

''Allison I can explain'' Scott said.

''Stop lying'' Allison scolded. ''For once stop lying''.

''I was going to tell you at the formal. I was going to tell you everything. Everything I did was-''

''Was to protect me'' Allison cut Scott off. ''I don't believe you''. Kate joined her, holding out a gun.

''Now shoot him, before I shoot'' Kate ordered and Allison looked at her aunt in shock.

''You...You said we were just going to catch them?'' Allison gasped.

''We did that. Now we're going to kill them''. Kate pointed her gun at my dad and shot him. My dad fell at the ground this time.

''Dad?'' I kneeled down beside him, holding onto his chest that was healing.

''It's healing, little wolf'' he smiled. I helped my dad up and we continued to watch the scene and we saw Kate pointing the gun at Scott's head.

''Put the gun down'' I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and I smiled a little when I saw Chris. ''Kate, I know what you did. Put it down''.

''I did what I was told to do'' Kate argued.

''There were children in that house. Once were human. Look what you're doing now. Pointing a gun at a sixteen year old boy with no proof that he spilled human blood. We go by the code'' Chris reminded her and said something in French.

''We hunt those who hunt us'' Allison translated quietly.

''Put the gun down'' Chris said, pulling up his gun and shot a tree. ''Before I put you down.'' I saw Kate hesitate but she lowered her gun. Suddenly the door of the house creaked open and Peter came out and he was so fast we don't even know where he going.

''Come on! Come on!'' Kate kept on yelling as I shifted. I was looking around to find Peter, but I was pushed to the ground. Dad helped me up and I saw Scott running into the house. Dad and I ran in and we saw Kate dead on floor with her throat slashed open.

''Run'' Scott told Allison and Allison quickly ran out. Peter looked at the three of us. Me, Scott and my dad ran towards Peter, but I was the first one to be thrown back. I stood up and Scott and my dad kept throwing punches but they kept being thrown away and not they're not letting me give the chance to attack Crazy pants. Peter grabbed them by their necks and he threw them outside. Peter started to walk outside, I had my chance now. I ran to him and kicked him real hard at the back making him fly against a tree. I jumped out of the house and jumped right in front of him. He was still on the ground. Then he started laughing in a very creepy way. He stood up and faced me. I growled at him.

''Come on Luna. I helped you get out of that fire. So many emotions. Let it all out Luna. Release all that pain and anger and-'' he stopped talking when I punched his face. I was about to punch him again but he grabbed my left wrist. I was about to throw a punch at him by using my right one but he also grabbed it. ''Soon, you'll release all those emotions. And you'll be strong. Like me'' he smirked, and threw me against the tree. I grabbed my head in pain and everything was a blur. All I saw was bright flames and the last thing I heard was someone saying they're an alpha. Then everything went black.


I woke up by a yell. I looked around and I was back in my room. ''Derek!'' I heard Jackson's voice. I slowly got out of my bed and walked out of the room. I went to the banister and saw Jackson standing beside the door. ''I helped you. I helped save you. You got what you wanted! Now it's my turn to get what I want! Derek, where are you?!'' I widened my eyes when I saw my dad behind Jackson, and bi Jackson's neck. But what shocked me the most was that his eyes were red. My dad's eyes weren't blue. He killed Peter.

''Peter'' I muttered quietly and remembered what he said.

''Let it all out Luna. Release all that pain and anger...Soon, you'll release all those emotions. And you'll be strong. Like me''.

I ignored that memory of mine. I looked down and saw my dad was done biting Jackson. Jackson left, and my dad looked up, his eyes were back to normal. ''Luna?'' I shook my head and went back to my room and locked the door. Everything will be different now, now that my dad is an alpha. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. What Peter said kept haunting me. I don't want to be like him.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now